An encounter with BurntTrap dude (😂)...

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This will be so the bots who are under Williams control are against you but ¿aren't? Idk 😂


You didn't know what to do, William Afton was standing right in front of you. Both of you having a staring contest.
You didn't know how you got here, you were walking around exploring and you ended up in front of a child murder.

His dead hand reached out to you as if to guide you somewhere, but you didn't take it, you weren't that stupid.
Your body felt frozen, air felt frigid.
Suddenly Freddy, came out of nowhere. Grabbing you and running, William screeching in anger as Freddy kept running with you in his arms as you looked back at SpringTrap.
His glare could piercing your soul, after that... you got frequent nightmares of if Freddy didn't show up then.


He was with the corrupted Chica and Roxy, watching as you entered the room. His eyes shrunk in shock as he recognised you immediately, him knowing Williams going to kill you made him feel so much guilt.

He was missing half of his body but that didn't mean he loved you any less, but he couldn't fully control his body. He couldn't do anything...
But he managed to regain his control and got away from the group, climbing up a steep cliff that had piles and piles of rubble,rubbish and bot parts.
He found a large rock and with all his might, he threw it- it landed on Williams leg, him screaming in pain as it crushed it.

You took that opportunity to run, you escaped barely. Him making his way out a few days late.


He wasn't around when it happened so when you escaped and told him about it, he could do protective and wouldn't let you leave the playground.
He was so scared that he'd lose you to William that he actually lost you to you escaping and running out the mall.
He never saw you again, you did sometimes come back into the mall- only at the brightest time of days and will never go near the Daycare.


Even though Moon is bad, he still greatly cared about you and protected you. He told you that it would be best to not go near that place again, whenever you would have a nightmare about Springtrap. He'd intervene and cuddle with you and comfort you, saying that he'd protect you at all cost.


She helped you two run away from him, she moved quite fast and didn't stop running until she got to the entrance of the mall.

She was so scared to go back to the mall for a week, when she did come back she had major upgrades. That could deeply harm someone, saying it's for protection.
After a while she calmed down but never was quite the same.

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