They want attention

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After a show he gets really tired and needy.
So he normal messages you asking where you are so you two can cuddle. If you're busy in your room, he'll come to your room and hug you from behind.
Whining like a child until you give up and pay attention. And if you don't give up, he'll just keep hugging you.


If he wants attention, he gets attention.
He's normally in a bad mood, he go to your room and pick you to cuddle.
But if you're really that busy that you can't pay attention, he'll be growling and glaring at the thing that's stealing his attention.


Sunny Boi has no chill.
If you're busy on something, he try to grab it away from you while whining and pouting like a baby.
That normally doesn't work so he resorts to laying beside you, talking about random stuff that annoys you until you decide to give in.


You can't really say no when he wants attention, since it's pitch black and you can't see him.
He can hug you whenever he wants and if you still won't give him attention, he try to grab the thing off you so you paid more attention to moon man.


She'll pick you up and leave with you. If that doesn't work she'll resort to annoying you until you give her attention.
Her most likely tactic is to, with her fluffy but heavy body.
To sit in you lap until you finally give up.


The child will act like a child until he gets cuddles.
If that doesn't work, he'll get Freddy to tell you to give him attention.
But if that still doesn't work, he'll try to find something better to do or just watch you work.

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