You Meet Gregory

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It was slightly weird to meet a random kid that found its way into your boyfriends tummy.
But you two got along... for the most part.

It kinda got annoying when it came to yours and Freddy's relationship.
Gregory got so annoying at times that you contemplated locking him in a restricted room until the police get there.
When it came to the upgrade parts incident... Oh damn... you were P!$SED! Even if you didn't get along with Roxy as much as you'd light, she didn't deserve to be hit in the face with a go cart. Or for chica to be crushed in a trash compactor. Or for Montgomery to become Montg. You didn't remotely forgive the kid for that.

Even when Roxanne,Chica and Monty were fixed.


OH HELL NO! When you saw what Monty was trying to do to him, you tried to help Gregory as much as you can. But when Monty became Montg, you were quite guilty.


It was pleasant. Sundrop wouldn't stop being a weirdo about it tho, so you had to tell him to stop touching the kid whenever he'd move.

He got a hang of actually looking after kids from this event and is quite happy with Gregory, not when he knocks over cans tho. That pushes his buttons.


You on 20 different occasions, had to smack Moon across the head for trying to kill Gregory.
Moon still doesn't fully understand why you protect the kid, but he try's to obey your rules of not killing or hurting him.


Meer doesn't like kids all that much, but doesn't hate them.
It was nice to meet him but Meer wouldn't want to babysit him.

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