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I wake up to the sounds of the silence that allows
For my mind to run around with my ear up to the ground
I'm searching to behold the stories that are told
When my back is to the world that was smiling when I turned

The sound of scissors can be heard from the bathroom.

Tell you you're the greatest
But once you turn they hate us

The young girl known as (Y/n) stepped out of her home and got on her bike. Only. . .this isn't the same (Y/n) we all know. She sped off onto the streets and didn't care for the red light. "LOOK OUT WORLD! THERE'S A NEW LEADER IN TOWN!" She laughs loudly. She sped her way to her destination.

Oh, the misery
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Spare the sympathy
Everybody wants to be my enemy
(Look out for yourself)
My enemy (look, look, look, look)
(Look out for yourself)
But I'm ready


"It's strange that you would turn your back on Toman. On your friends. What did you say your name was?" Izana asks. "The name is Chaos. The new leader of the Death Halo gang." Chaos smiles. Izana raised a brow at her along with the other guys around her. They all knew full well that this was (Y/n), but Izana didn't care.

Your words up on the wall as you're praying for my fall
And the laughter in the halls and the names that I've been called
I stack it in my mind and I'm waiting for the time
When I show you what it's like to be words spit in a mic

"(Y/n), if I may question. Why are you joining them?" Kai asks. Chaos didn't like that he referred her to (Y/n). "(Y/n)?! Don't ever call me that! I am not that pathetic excuse of a human!" She shouts in anger and stomps her foot. She grabs Kai by his collar and glares into his soul. "My name is Chaos. Don't ever make that mistake again. And don't ever question my decisions. You gave your life to me and you will do as I say. You are my loyal dog." She says with venom in her words. Kai could see the change in her right eye. It looks unnatural. She let him go and ran her hair back. "Where were we?" She asks.

Tell you you're the greatest
But once you turn they hate us

"Hold up." Chaos was stopped by Hanma's hand. "(Y/n), what are you doing? Why are you acting like this?" He asks. Chaos looks up at him. "You made her the weakest." She raised her fist and punched him. He fell back and felt her foot on his chest. He grunted in pain. "Don't bother calling for her name. She's living in her wonderland." Chaos points to her head. She stepped back away from him and Hanma watched as she ran up to Kisaki.

Oh, the misery
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Spare the sympathy
Everybody wants to be
My enemy (look, look, look, look)
(Look out for yourself)
My enemy (look, look, look, look) (yeah)
(Look out for yourself)

"Kai." Hanma tried to stop Kai as he walked near him. "What has gotten into her?" He asks. "I-I...I don't know." Kai replies. "Kai! Get over here! We don't have all day!" Chaos shouts at him. Kai flinches and puts his head down. "I'm sorry." He mutters. He didn't know why he was being so weak. This. . .personality or imposter that looks like (Y/n). . .she scared him. She sent fear into his soul and he had the feeling to just do as she says. Cause if not. . .he feared that she would kill him.

Uh, look
Okay, I'm hoping that somebody pray for me
I'm praying that somebody hope for me
I'm staying where nobody 'posed to be
P-P-Posted, being a wreck of emotions
Ready to go whenever, just let me know

"Leave them broken in despair! Don't stop beating them until they have seen death himself!" Chaos shouts as her gang members went to attack members of Toman. She smiles widely like a madman at the sight of a bloody scene. Kai felt sick to his stomach as this isn't what he view for The Death Halo Gang. Seeing Toman members getting beaten to death. That wasn't supposed to happen. They were all friends! Teammates! Kai could see the pain in the beaten members as they were being betrayed. He couldn't bear to watch anymore and continued to look down.

The road is long, so put the pedal into the floor
The enemy on my trail, my energy unavailable
I'ma tell 'em hasta luego
I know they wanna plot on my trot to the top
I've been outta shape, thinkin' out the box, I'm an astronaut

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN (Y/N) TURNED AGAINST US?! SHE WOULDN'T DO SUCH A THING!" Chifuyu yells. "SHE ATTACKED US! THE WHOLE DIVISION ALMOST DIED! SHE'S A TRAITOR!" The member yells back. Fear held in his eyes along with tears. "S-She laughed at our pain. Our misery. She wanted us dead! If we're fighting against her, I don't want to go through that again! I was lucky enough to even still be walking! I-I can't. . .I can't go through that again!" He crumples down to his knees and began to cry. Chifuyu and the others couldn't believe it. How could (Y/n) turn against them so quickly? What was the reason for all this Chaos?

I blasted off the planet rock to cause catastrophe
And it matters more because I had it not
Had I thought about wreaking havoc on an opposition
Kinda shocking they wanted static with precision, I'm automatic
Quarterback, I ain't talkin' sacking
Pack it, pack it up, I don't panic
Batter, batter up, who the baddest?
It don't matter 'cause we at ya throat


"Izana.~" Chaos walks her way up to him. "Don't think I came to join your group just to be an underling." Izana was about to question her until she brutally punches his gut. She began to laugh seeing him in such pain. "Did you think I would join under you?! You are no king to me! All I see is a sad little boy that has nowhere else to go!" She kicked him across the area. "Izana!" Kakucho shouts as he ran to his friend. "The hell are you doing?!" Kakucho shouts at her. His eyes widen seeing the muzzle of the gun in front of his eyes. "Might reconsider the tone of your voice. I'm your leader now. If you don't agree then. . ." She lifts the gun in the air and fires it. Kakucho and the others saw themselves surrounded by The Death Halo members. There were more people than Tenijku. "I'll have them kill all of you." She says with a sickening smile. "You're insane," Kakucho says. "All I want is chaos." She replies as she got close to his face.

Everybody wants to be my enemy
Spare the sympathy
Everybody wants to be
My enemy

Oh, the misery
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Spare the sympathy
Everybody wants to be my enemy

Pray it away, I swear

I'll never be a saint, no way

 My enemy Pray it away,

 I swear I'll never be a saint

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