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The young male carried her body out of the blazing building. Setting her body down gently on the ground, he looked around to see if the police or any of the firemen were there. He clicked his tongue and looks down at her. He began to perform CPR on her in hopes to get her breathing again. After a minute, (Y/n) began to cough and breath in heavily. She tried opening her eyes, but she was still in pain to do anything. "They're on their way. Hang in there." the male voice said. The voice sounded familiar to her, but she wasn't in the right mind to tell who he was. She lifted her hand to him in hopes that he would grab hers. "H-Hold. . .m-my hand. . .please. . ." The male stared at her and sighed. He grips her hand gently and puts it on his lap. "Sure. . ." 


- (Y/n) POV -

I look around to see a calm-looking park. The one my brother and I use to play in. I then heard the giggles of a little boy. I look around to see where it was coming from. The giggles grew closer and I heard another male and female voice laugh. "Higher! Higher!" the boy's voice laughs. I stop as I stare at the three people playing on the swings. I haven't heard that voice for so long. . ." Sure thing!" the male said. I felt like crying as I heard his voice. "Not too high!" the female voice warned. The three stop and look over at me. The boy stopped himself on the swing and smiles brightly. "Nii-chan! Nii-chan!" he shouted as he ran over to hug me. I look down at him in disbelief. "H-Hinata?" I ask. He nods his head and continues to smile. "Baji-san and Emma-chan are here too! They've been keeping me company while I was waiting for you!" Hinata said. I look back at Baji - who held his famous fang smile. He walks over to us and placed his hand against my face. "Hey, Pumpkin." he hums. I felt someone hug me from behind. "(Y/n)-chan!" Emma squeals. "A-Am I dead?" I ask. "Yes and no. . ." Emma said as she walked in front of me. "They're trying to bring you back to life," she adds. I felt my body tremble and I fell on my knees. "IT'S NOT FAIR! WHY DO I HAVE THE CHANCE TO LIVE AND NOT ANY OF YOU?! WHY DO I DESERVE TO LIVE!?" I cried out. "I should've died a long time ago. . .so many chances of meeting death and yet you three didn't deserve it," I added. Hinata hugs me and buries his face on my chest. "Don't cry, Nii-chan. It's going to be okay," he said. Baji kneeled and I rest my head on his shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up on it. Remember, this isn't your fault. It never is. I love you, no matter what. And I'll keep waiting for you. The three of us will." He said. Emma hugs my arm and rests her head on my shoulder. "Remember to keep your promise. Take care of Mikey and Draken. Even if Draken falls in love with you, I don't mind. Love him as much as I would. Love my brother as well. They're both going to need it." she said. "I love you, Nii-chan. Thank you for being the best big sister ever." Hinata hummed. I cried as I held his touch go away. "We'll see each other again. We're soul-sisters after all." Emma smiles. I felt her leave too. "Pumpkin-" I cut Baji off by placing my lips on his. "Don't leave me. . ." I said as I parted our lips. "I'm never leaving you. Not even death can kill my love for you. I love you, Pumpkin." He smiles as he places his hand against my cheek. I went to reach for it, but I only faded through. "Baji. . ." 


I slowly open my eyes as I heard the noise. I flinch at the bright light above me. This feels familiar. I look as far as I could on my left but could see nothing. I look to my right and I saw Mitsuya, Hakkai, Chifuyu, Takemichi sleeping next to each other. I look at my right arm to see it only wrapped in a few bandages. I tried to lift myself but yelped as I felt pain on the left side of my body. This alerted the four boys and a few more that I couldn't see. "(Y-Y/n), don't move. You're going to hurt yourself." Chifuyu said as he gently helped me back down. "I'll go get the doctor." I heard Hakkai say and run out. "(Y/n), do you remember anything that happened?" Mikey came to my view and looks at me worriedly. I lay there for a second and tried to think of what happened. Though nothing came to mind. "N-No. . .I can't remember." I respond. The doctor came in and told everyone to step out for a moment. 


I sat up and ate the food the hospital gave me. "You think hospital food would be better," I commented. The others chuckled at my response. Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Hakkai, Akkun, Takemichi, Chifuyu, Hinata, Smiley, Angry, Inui, and Koko sat around me. They all informed me what happened when they found me in the ambulance truck. Kisaki was the one who saved me from the fire. No idea why, but he and Hanma left since they did kill Emma. Hanma left a letter behind and I have yet to read it. Izana from Tenjiku lost and decided to fix his relationship with Mikey. No one died during that time, so that was good. Though, everything still felt gloomy. Emma. . .I wish you were here.


I got up and kneeled in front of Mikey's grandfather. "It's my fault that I let her die. I let my demons control me that I was blind to my own friend's protection. I was supposed to protect her. I visioned us to grow up together and have families of our own. To have normal lives together. It's my fault that I couldn't continue that vision." I said. "(Y/n)-" Mikey started to say. I lifted my head and continued to cry. "I promise to keep my promise to her. To keep Mikey and Draken happy. To keep them on the track of light. I will let us all have a bright future that I wish Emma could've been in. Nothing will be the same without her, but I know she wouldn't want me to give up. I don't want to let my soul-sister down." I smile even though tears still poured from my eyes. "Emma would be proud of you. She always dreamed of a sister like you. I'm glad you were in her life." he said. I heard Mikey and the others sob. 

I walk beside Inui as we wanted to get fresh air. "Yo." we both look up to see Koko. "Coco. . ." Inui said. Koko walked up to us and placed his hands on our shoulders. "I'll be going on my way," he said. "I can't support you two anymore. . .so don't go ending up on the wrong path, okay?" he stuck out his tongue as he began to walk away. Inui and Koko exchanged their goodbyes, but I wasn't done with him yet. "Hajime." I grab his hand. He turns his head to look at me. I place my lips against his, he got surprised by the sudden kiss. He still kissed me back. "You don't get on the wrong path either. You mean more to me than just money. I love you for who you are." I told him. He smiles and kisses the top of my head. "I love you, doll. When we're older, I promise to marry you and make you mine," he said. "I hope you mean ours," Inui spoke. Koko and I gave a small chuckle. "Yes, ours. I'll find you two again, so keep waiting for me." He said. "We will. I love you." I smile. He smiles and looks back at Inui. "Take care of her." He said to him. "Always," Inui responds. Koko then walked away from us. 


"Stay as long as you want. Call me if you need anything." Hinata's mom smiles. I thanked her and look around Hinata's home. "You okay?" Hinata asks. I look at her and nod. "I think we're going to be just fine," I reply. She smiles and we both saw Naoto come inside the living room. "Naoto, this is (Y/n). Don't you remember her?" Hinata asks. Naoto looks at me and shook his head. I chuckle and smile at him. "You probably can't tell due to the bandages or how I barely came here. It's fine no matter." I said. The three of us talked for a moment until my new phone - Koko bought it for me - rang. Uncle. I texted him earlier about my new number and what has happened. "You okay?" Naoto asks me. I nod and gave him a small smile. "Excuse me for a moment." I excused myself and walked outside the apartment. "Hello." "Thank god, you're alive! I've been worried sick when you didn't respond before. Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah. . .maybe," I reply. "What do you mean by maybe? What's wrong?" He asks. I stayed quiet for a moment. "I've been thinking lately. . ."

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