Chifuyu's Ending

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This one will be different from the last two because I didn't like the format. I wish I could've done more on Akkun and Kazutora, but I got writer's block. Anyway, let's start with this chapter.

(Y/n) sat down on the swing. Worried about who she was leaving behind. She didn't like the idea of leaving her friends, even if they told her it was alright to move. She frowned as she swung back and forth. "You still worried?" she looks up to see Chifuyu holding Peke J. "A bit, yeah," she replies. Chifuyu saw through her and knew it was eating her up inside. He handed Peke J to her to help calm her nerves down. Peke J purred as (Y/n) rubbed the back of his ears. She met the black cat back when was at Chifuyu's apartment. Where he confessed to her.

"You came," Chifuyu says with nervousness and excitement. "Of course I did dummy." she smiles at him. He invited her in and walked her to his room. Right off the bat, (Y/n) spotted Peke J. "I didn't know you had a cat," she says as she walks over to Peke J. The black cat sat up and looked at (Y/n). "His name is Peke J. I found him in an abandoned box a few years ago." Chifuyu informs her. Peke J purred as (Y/n) gently rubbed his head. "He's certainly adorable." she giggles. Chifuyu smiles but it quickly fades. "What's wrong?" (Y/n) asks as she noticed his changed expression. He sat down next to her on his bed and looks down. "(Y/n). . .I'm in love with you. I tried so hard to tell or show you how I feel, but everyone takes you away from me. It makes me feel like I don't have a chance with you. I'm not like Baji who can easily open up and show how he feels. Back in middle school, I was too shy and too much of a coward to confess to you. I was too late to tell you and you left. When I saw you again, it occurred to me that I wasn't the only one in love with you. I was always being cut in front of someone else that wants to be with me and-" Chifuyu couldn't finish his sentence as (Y/n) kissed him. She giggles as he was left speechless and shocked by the sudden kiss. "Don't think of yourself less than the others. You're kind, sweet, cute, and brave. I know that we don't spend as much time together because everyone separates us, but I want you to know that I do feel the same way, Chifuyu. I'll always do." Chifuyu felt his worries wash away and pulled her close to him. "I love you so much." he cries a bit. "I love you too," she replies. 

(Y/n) felt guilty for leaving him behind. After he confessed and the special moments they had with each other. Chifuyu grabbed her hand and looked at her. "I'm going to be okay and you are too. I'll visit you as much as I can on the weekends. I'll bring Peke J too and we can spend the weekend together. Everything is going to be fine because I love you." he says. (Y/n) smiles and squeezes his hand. "You better keep your word." He chuckles at her response. "Always, honey." (Y/n) blushes at the nickname he gave her. They shared a kiss and spent the rest of the day with each other. 

~ 12 years later ~

"Thanks for dropping me off here, Kai." (Y/n) smiles at her friend. "Anytime. Say hello for me, will ya?" Kai smiles. (Y/n) nods and watched him drive off. She then turns around and enters the pet shop her husband and friend own. "Yahoo! I'm back!" she announces. Kazutora greets and smiles at her. Chifuyu welcomes her with a loving kiss and hug. "Mommy! You're back!" (Y/n) crouches down at the smiling boy. Dark black hair and big (e/c) eyes. "Theirs my baby boy. Mommy missed you so much." She kissed her son on the head multiple times. He giggles as she picks him up. (Y/n) looks around the pet shop and sees how well it's doing. "Did you help your father and uncle around while I was gone?" she asks her son. He nods his head happily. "Yeah, Keisuke is a big help for us. Don't know what we could do without him." Kazutora smiles encouraging the boy. 


The trio walked into the graveyard on Halloween night. The three dressed up as a ghost. "Hi, uncle Baji. We brought you your favorite; Yakisoba." Keisuke said. (Y/n) and Chifuyu smile as their son placed down the half Yakisoba. (Y/n) placed down the flowers she bought for Baji. "I hope you're still doing well. You, Hinata, and Emma." She whispers. Chifuyu spoke a few words as well before the three sat down in front of the grave and ate. Chifuyu began to tell stories about Baji to his son. Keisuke was amazed by Baji's amazing strength and courage. "He sounds so cool!" Keisuke says with stars in his eyes. "That he was. He was the coolest person I will ever know." Chifuyu smiles. (Y/n) leans her head on his shoulder as the three continued to enjoy their night. 

"Thank you for taking care and loving her, Chifuyu."

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