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"How wonderful, and what a beautiful start too!" Chaos shouts as she gave a sadistic smile. Everyone from Toman looked at her. She is (Y/n) but not her personality. Takemitchy looks behind her to see Kai with a long face. He seemed miserable from the looks of it. "(Y/n)! Stop this now! This isn't you!" Chifuyu shouts at her. Chaos smile disappeared from her face and growls at him. She stomped her foot as if she was throwing a tantrum like a child. "I'M NOT (Y/N)!! WHY CAN'T YOU ALL GET THAT FROM YOUR STUPID THICK SKULLS?!" She yells. She hits her head a bit and mumbled something under her breath. She calmed down, and her smile reappears on her face. "My name is Chaos. (Y/n) is dead and soon you will all join her. Just like Baji and her brother." She says. "This is war, Toman! And I'll be the last one standing in the end!" She laughs, and she points both hands to herself. 


Chaos looks around as she was trying to fight another opponent though someone got in the way. "(Y/N)!!" Mikey's voice was heard. She clicked something inside of her. "Mik. . .Mikey?" (Y/n) spoke as she turned around. There he was a few feet away from her. She felt pain in her head and her eyes snapped into anger. "My name is Chaos!" She shouts. She runs towards him and grabs him by the collar. "Say that name one more f*ckin' time and I won't hesitate to kill you!" she shouts at him. She pulled out her gun and points it at his head. "She's gone. . .Emma is dead." Mikey said. Chaos laughs at his words. "Why the hell should I care! She was nothing to me! I don't care about her!" Chaos said. Though, tears started to fall from her eyes. She pushed Mikey away as she started to feel her head in pain. She gripped her head and cried out in pain. Takemitchy, Kai, Chifuyu, Draken, Inui, Koko, Hanma, and the Haitani brothers rushed to her. Izana and the others watched in the back. "E-Emma?/ S-STOP IT!/ Why did she have to die?!/ SHUT UP!/ I was supposed to protect her!/ SHE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!! YOU BROUGHT PAIN INTO PEOPLES LIVES! IT'S YOUR FAULT PEOPLE DIE ALL THE TIME!" Chaos brought the gun to her head. "DON'T!" the others shouted as they tried to grab the gun out of her hand. She pulled the trigger, but nothing happened. "I'm still in control." (Y/n) said. Chaos shook her head and threw the gun away. "NO! NO! NO!" Chaos shouted. "(Y/n)," Mikey called to her. Chaos backed away from him. "STAY AWAY FROM ME! SHE'LL NEVER BE HAPPY WITH YOU! ANY OF YOU! THERE'S NO BRIGHT FUTURE FOR ANYONE!" Chaos got up and looks at them. "Don't you see? She'll lose everyone one by one. She'll die alone. No one will care for her. She's an empty husk that has nowhere to go. You can't save for what has already been broken!" Chaos began to back away more and cried. "No matter how we try to fix what has been broken. No matter how we try to get everything our way. Nothing works. WE CAN'T GET ANYTHING WE ASK FOR! NO MATTER HOW HARD WE TRY THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN DO! NOT EVERYONE GETS WHAT THEY WANT! COMPLAINING AND COMPLAINING TIL YOU DIE!" Chaos started to run away. The others wanted to chase after her but were still stuck in a fight, but one person did go out and chase after her.

Chaos growls as she ran back to her house. "I should've done this a long time ago!" she sneers. She grabbed the gasoline and rope. She kicked down the door as she walked up to where her mother was. "Hello, mommy.~" Chaos laughs. (Y/n)'s mother tried to back away as Chaos got closer. She tied her up in a chair and poured gasoline on (Y/n)'s mother. "Tip me over and pour me out.~" Chaos sang. (Y/n)'s mother cried but was muffled by the gag. "Did you think you can get away from what you did?" Chaos asks her. (Y/n)'s mother cried which resulted in her getting slapped across the face. "You caused pain, suffering, guilt, anger to me- to us! Do you know what happens when you bottle up those feelings? Letting them mix over time?" Chaos asks as she circles around (Y/n)'s mother. "BOOM!" Chaos shouts which scared (Y/n)'s, mother. Chaos laughed as she saw the terrified look on (Y/n)'s mother's face. Her look turned serious and she began to choke (Y/n)'s mother. "You get the ugly and the bitterness inside. Is that how you felt when you couldn't kill us? Well, guess what?" Chaos lit a match and gives a crazed look. "WE'LL BURN IN HELL TOGETHER! MOTHER AND DAUGHTER TO THE VERY BITTER END!!" She laughs loudly and drops the match.

(Y/n)'s mother began to scream in agony and pain as she was set on fire. Chaos felt half of her face burned, but she paid no mind to it as she wanted to see (Y/n)'s mother being burned alive. Somehow, (Y/n)'s mother managed to get up after her restraints burned off. "You just won't f*cking die!" Chaos shouts as the older woman pushed her down. Chaos kicked her off into the kitchen. (Y/n)'s mother grabbed a knife and charged at Chaos. Chaos dodged and grabbed her by the hair. She continued to slam her head against the table. "HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?! HUH?! YOU UNGRATEFUL SON OF A-" Chaos looked at her reflection in the knife. Pain overwhelmed her head. She let go of the now-dead woman and held her head. "What did you do?!/ I did what you couldn't!/ This isn't what I wanted!/ WAIT-DON'T SHUT ME OUT! YOU NEED ME!/ Not anymore! You have caused more pain and suffering to others! I will never need you!" Chaos cried out in pain, but it died down. (Y/n) look at her dead mother. "It's your fault." She said before her breathing got heavy. She looked around to see she was stuck. Half of her body was burned and could barely move. 

She then started to have flashes of her life. The people she loved and lost ran in her mind. She closed her eyes and smiled. "Will we finally meet again? Baji. . .Hinata. . .Emma. . ." A tear rolled down her cheek. 














"Don't die yet, stubborn woman."

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