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Basic Character Questions -

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Basic Character Questions -

~ Name: Angelina Vaia Cicero

~ Nickname: Angel

~ Birthday: March 9th, 1943

~ Age: As of 1955- 12. As of 1963- 20. As of 1978~Lufthansa Heist- 35. As of 1980- 38

~ Sex: Female

~ Gender: Female

~ Sexuality: Straight 

~ Height: 5'3"

~ Hair colour: Cinnamon brown

~ Hair length: Waist

~ Eye colour: Hazel

~ Skin tone: Pale 

~ Nationality: Italian-American 

~ Where they live: New York City

~ Time frame: 1955-1980

Personality -

~ Good traits: Loyal, humorous, dedicated to her work

~ Bad traits: Lack of self control, doesn't know when to draw the line

~ Strengths: Motivated

~ Weaknesses: Controlling

~ Likes: Expensive wine, Louis Vuitton, Bugatti

~ Dislikes: Dirt under her nails, the smell of paint and gasoline 

~ Give anything for: Her family

~ Habits: Laughing at inappropriate times 

~ Fears: Someone in her crew being a rat

~ Favourite animal: Panda

~ Favourite colour: Plum purple 

~ Favourite song: The Temptations-Papa was a Rollin' Stone

~ Favourite food: Red velvet cake 

~ Talents/skills: Lying, persuasion

~ Pet peeves: People being late 

~ Introvert or extrovert: 50/50

~ Optimistic or pessimistic: 50/50

~ Indoors or outdoors: Indoors

Family/Friend relations -

~ Grandparents: Deceased 

~ Parents: father- Tuddy Cicero. Mother- deceased 

~ Closer parent: Tuddy

~ Siblings: None

~ Closer sibling: - 

~ Children: Romeo Cicero (Conway) Jimmy is the father, though that was kept a secret between the two considering he's married 

~ Other family: Paul Cicero + Cicero family 

~ Closest family member: Tuddy and Paul

~ Friends: Henry Hill, James 'Jimmy' Conway, Tommy DeVito, Karen Hill, Frank Carbone, Stacks Edwards, Morris Kessler

~ Close friends: Henry Hill, Jimmy Conway, Tommy DeVito

~ Home life: Angelina, ever since the day she was born, was a spoiled princess. Being the first and only daughter/niece, she was always the center of attention. She was loved and cared for by her family and the mobsters around her, so it was no surprise that by the time she was sixteen, she had a full time job working alongside Henry Hill and Tommy DeVito, courtesy of her father and to the disapproval of her uncle, Paulie. 

~ Personal life: Angelina had big dreams to pursue a career in acting. She always wanted to be on the big screen, performing for millions of people. That dream fell short when she was turned down by an acting agency at the age of thirteen. The owner of the company was never heard from again. 
Angelina's true calling was being a gangster, and she knew it. She knew she was worth more than being a domesticated house wife who tended to the kitchen and the kids. She loved the thrill of the gangster lifestyle, the money and the company. Though she never enjoyed the killing. 

Romance and relationship -

~ Love interest: James 'Jimmy' Conway

~ Current Relationship: Friend with benefits 

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~ Current Relationship: Friend with benefits 

~ Future relationship: No communication 

~ How they display affection: Gift giving 

~ PDA (1-10 - 1 being lowest): 4

~ Have they ever been in love: She never gave love much of a thought 

~ Have they ever had their heart broken? By who?: By Henry, when they were both 13. She had asked him to be her valentine but he turned her down. 

~ Have they been in past relationships? How many? What were they like: Angelina had a plethora of boyfriends throughout her teenage years. They were simply enjoyment and pleasure to her 

~ History: Angelina has known Jimmy since her youth. She was always fond of him, despite their 12 year age gap. He never paid any mind to her romantically until she turned 21. He was already married, though the two couldn't keep their hands off of each other. 

Questions specific to the show/movie/Character - 

~ Death: Angelina died September 1st, 1995 at the age of 52. The cause of death was determined to be a heart attack. 


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