The Lost Boys

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Basic Character Questions -

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Basic Character Questions -

~ Name: Kristy Eve Thompson

~ Nickname: Kris

~ Birthday: December 6th

~ Age: 18

~ Sex: Female

~ Gender: Female

~ Sexuality: Bisexual

~ Height: 5'4"

~ Hair colour: Raven Black

~ Hair length: Shoulder

~ Eye colour: Hazel (natural) Bright Yellow (vampire)

~ Skin tone: Warm Ivory

~ Nationality: American

~ Where they live: Santa Carla, California

~ Occupation: Vampire

~ time frame: 1980s

Personality -

~ Good traits: Trustworthy, persistent, athletic

~ Bad traits: Easily manipulated

~ Strengths: Agility, school smart

~ Weaknesses: Easily trusts people

~ Likes: Fashion, large crowds, loud music, volleyball

~ Dislikes: Reading, quietness

~ Give anything for: Her little brother

~ Habits: Fast driver, tugging at her hair when stressed

~ Fears: Death

~ Favourite animal: Leppard

~ Favourite colour: Crimson red

~ Favourite song: I Will Survive-Gloria Gaynor

~ Favourite food: Pork dumplings

~ Talents/skills: Volleyball, gymnasium

~ Pet peeves: Talking during a movie

~ Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert

~ Optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic

~ Indoors or outdoors: Outdoors

Family/Friend relations -

~ Grandparents: No contact

~ Parents: Marcella and Harvey Thompson

~ Closer parent: Marcella

~ Siblings: Laddie Thompson

~ Closer sibling: Laddie

~ children (if any): 0

~ Other family: No contact

~ Closest family member: Laddie Thompson

~ Friends: Star, Marko, Dwayne, Paul David

~ Close friends: Star, Dwayne

~ Home life: Before Kris was turned into a vampire, she was a beloved and respected member of her family. She was her parents pride and joy, their little volleyball star. Her and Laddie were cherished deeply by their parents, they were borderline spoiled. When the two suddenly disappeared, Kris was heartbroken to hear her parents blamed her for their disappearance.
After being turned into a vampire, Kris spent countless hours hiding away in the cave. He didn't want to associate with anyone, she couldn't help but regret her decision.

~ personal life: Kris became a completely different person after being turned. She hadn't touched a volleyball since the night she was turned, and she became quiet and reserved. She kept to herself, observing the world around her.

Romance and relationship -

~ Love interest: David

~ Current Relationship: Friends

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~ Current Relationship: Friends

~ Future relationship: Hatred

~ How they display affection: Words of affirmation

~ PDA (1-10 - 1 being lowest): 4

~ Have they ever been in love: No

~ Have they ever had their heart broken? By who?: David, the moment she realized he was manipulating her

~ Have they been in past relationships? How many? What were they like: Kris had one boyfriend in the seventh grade, though at the time, it was all for fun and games.

~ History: Kris met David on the boardwalk on her seventeenth birthday. She had taken Laddie out with her, to get him out of the house. David saw her from a ways away, and he knew he wanted her. He manipulated her, persuaded her decisions, and she fell for him.

Questions specific to the show/movie/Character -

~ Was Kris a full or half vampire?: Half

~ Was Kris turned back into a human?: Yes

~ Was Kris turned back into a human?: Yes

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