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Basic Character Questions -

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Basic Character Questions -

~ Name: Donnatella De Rossi

~ Nickname: Donnie

~ Birthday: April 9th, 1893

~ Age: 19

~ Sex: Female

~ Gender: Female

~ Sexuality: Straight

~ Height: 5'5"

~ Hair colour: Chocolate brown

~ Hair length: Mid back

~ Eye colour: Honey brown

~ Skin tone: Pale

~ Nationality: Italian

~ Where they live: Born in Italy

~ Occupation: Unemployed

~ Time frame: April 10th, 1912-April 15th, 1912

Personality -

~ Good traits: Courageous, humorous, compassionate, generous

~ Bad traits: Argumentative, disobedient

~ Strengths: Persistence

~ Weaknesses: Curiosity

~ Likes: Card games, sunrise/sunsets, warm bubble baths

~ Dislikes: People who act like they're better than everyone else

~ Give anything for: Her brother

~ Habits: Smoking

~ Fears: (After 1912) Boats

~ Favourite animal: Swan

~ Favourite colour: Gold

~ Favourite song: O Forrobodo-Grupo Chiquinha Gonzaga

~ Favourite food: Ribollita

~ Talents/skills: Languages, she speaks both English and Italian fluently

~Hobbies: Writing

~ Pet peeves: Backhanded compliments

~ Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert

~ Optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic

~ Indoors or outdoors: Outdoors

Family/Friend relations -

~ Grandparents: Deceased

~ Parents: Lorenzo and Maria De Rossi

~ Closer parent: Maria

~ Siblings: Fabrizio De Rossi

~ Closer sibling: Fabrizio

~ Children (if any): 0

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