Harry Potter

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Basic Character Questions -

~ Name: Tinsley Sutton Attwell (Longbottom)

~ Nickname: TinTin

~ Birthday: August 24th, 1980

~ Age: 16

~ Sex: Female

~ Gender: Female

~ Sexuality: Bisexual

~ Height: 5'4"

~ Hair colour: Ginger

~ Hair length: Waist

~ Eye colour: Baby blue

~ Skin tone: Pale

~ Nationality: Scottish

~ Where they live: Dunfermline, Scotland

~ Time frame: 1991-1998

Personality -

~ Good traits: Persistent, persuasive, loyal, responsible

~ Bad traits: Emotional, insecure

~ Strengths: Open-minded, charming

~ Weaknesses: Impulsive

~ Likes: Flowers, history, books, architecture

~ Dislikes: Loud sounds, dull colours

~ Give anything for: The ability to continue learning new things

~ Habits: Interrupting people during class, she apologizes profusely after

~ Fears: Voldemort

~ Favourite animal: Owl

~ Favourite colour: Sunshine yellow

~ Favourite song: (I've Had) The Time of My Life-Dirty Dancing

~ Favourite food: Peppermint Toads

~ Talents/skills: Wandless magic

~ Pet peeves: People who read too slow/too fast

~ Introvert or extrovert: 50/50

~ Optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic

~ Indoors or outdoors: Outdoors

Family/Friend relations -

~ Grandparents: Sofia and Brantley Attwell

~ Parents: Oliver and Merideth Attwell

~ Closer parent: Oliver

~ Siblings: Cooper Attwell (1978) Evelyn Attwell (1983)

~ Closer sibling: Cooper

~ Children: Magnolia Azure Longbottom

~ Other family: Both of her parents were only children, resulting in no aunts, uncles or cousins

~ Closest family member: Cooper

~ Friends: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, Rubeus Hagrid, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Fleur Delacour, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan

~ Close friends: Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger

~ Home life: Tinsley was born into a relatively wealthy family in Scotland. She was blessed with two loving parents who spoiled her rotten, and both a brother and sister who were her best friends growing up.

~ Personal life: Tinsley could practically drown herself in a good book. She could spend hours admiring historical architectural, and she has. She first learned of her magical abilities at a young age, simple things like moving her fork from the counter to the table, seemingly with her mind. It all made sense when her letter from Hogwarts appeared in the mailbox. 

Romance and relationship -

~ Love interest: Neville Longbottom

~ Current Relationship: Dating

~ Future relationship: Married (2003)

~ How they display affection: Words of affirmation + quality time

~ PDA (1-10 - 1 being lowest): 4

~ Have they ever been in love: Before Neville, no

~ Have they ever had their heart broken? By who?: When a young Tinsley was told she could, in fact, not marry the snowman she built one year, her heart was crushed

~ Have they been in past relationships? How many? What were they like: Neville was her first and only boyfriend

~ History: Tinsley first met Neville on the train to Hogwarts during their first year. She politely asked if she could take the seat beside him, he agreed. The two sat quietly for majority of the ride until Neville asked about her familiar sitting by her side. That opened up the door to a blooming friendship turned romance in their fourth year.

Questions specific to the show/movie/Character - 

~ Hogwart's House: Hufflepuff

~ Witch or Wizard?: Witch

~ Muggle, Halfblood or Pureblood?: Muggle

~ Best class: History of Magic

~ Favourite Hogwarts Professor: Lupin

~ Wand: 14" Phoenix Feather Core with Acaia Wood

~ Patronus: White Swan

~ Boggart: The image of her family happy without her

~ Familiar: Great Grey Owl named Venzor

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