Seven Seconds

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Basic Character Questions

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Basic Character Questions

~ Name: Bianca Jane Brewer

~ Nickname: Peach

~ Birthday: May 7th, 1995

~ Age: 24 (2017)

~ Sex: Female

~ Gender: Female

~ Sexuality: Straight

~ Height: 5'4"

~ Hair colour: Dirty blond

~ Hair length: Mid back

~ Eye colour: Chocolate brown

~ Skin tone: Pale

~ Nationality: Irish-American

~ Where they live: Jersey City, New Jersey

~ Occupation: Secretary at Jersey City Medical Center

~ Time frame: 2017


~ Good traits: Independent, loyal, accepting

~ Bad traits: Naive, indecisive

~ Strengths: Forgiving, generous

~ Weaknesses: Her strengths, as well as her loyalty

~ Likes: Chinese food, old Hollywood movies, her boyfriend's truck

~ Dislikes: The snow, driving (the big cities stress her out), black coffee

~ Give anything for: The people around her. She cares more about other people's happiness than her own.

~ Habits: Walking quickly even when there's no threat or danger

~ Fears: The city. She's watched one too many crime documentaries

~ Favourite animal: Beta fish, she has three

~ Favourite colour: Ocean blue

~ Favourite song: It's Been Awhile - Staind

~ Favourite food: Hot Pot

~ Talents/skills: She likes to paint in her downtime

~ Pet peeves: Loud chewing (she met Fish once and his gum smacking drove her CRAZY)

~ Introvert or extrovert: Ambivert

~ Optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic

~ Indoors or outdoors: Indoors

Family/Friend relations

~ Grandparents: Deceased

~ Parents: Jane and Carlisle Brewer

~ Closer parent: Neither, her relationship with her parents quickly deteriorated when she started seeing her boyfriend

~ Siblings: Cash Brewer (1990) and Daphne Brewer (1993)

~ Closer sibling: Daphne

~ Children: Theodosia Grace Wilcox (Born December 22nd, 2018)

~ Other family: Her father has 5 siblings, so she has lots of cousins. They're spread throughout the tri-state area

~ Closest family member: Her cousin, Brinley. She lives in Manhattan and visits Bianca often in Jersey City

~ Friends: Mike DiAngelo, Crystal DiAngelo, Peter Jablonski, Marie Jablonski, Felix Osorio, Jasmine

~ Close friends: Jasmine

~ Home life: Bianca grew up in a very loving and accepting home. She was close with her siblings and her parents, worked odd jobs to get herself ahead, and was supported during any decision she made. When she was 21, her parents kicked her out of the home because they didn't approve of the boyfriend she brought home. Despite him being a cop, Bianca's parents did not trust him. They expressed their concern to their daughter, who refused to leave him, and they kicked her out under the excuse of "you're old enough to be on your own." She moved in with her boyfriend not long after.

~ Personal life: Bianca first discovered her love for painting when she was thirteen. Her teacher encouraged her to join a club, she didn't have many friends, so she joined the art club. She soon realized she had a natural talent and love for the art. She also made many friends that stuck with her throughout high school, but quickly faded away into adulthood. It was one of these friends that recommended she apply for the secretary position at the Medical Center. This job is also how she met her boyfriend.

Romance and relationship

~ Love interest: Manny Wilcox

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~ Love interest: Manny Wilcox

~ Current Relationship: Dating

~ Future relationship: Rocky after the trial, she breaks up with him but they get back together a few months later

~ How they display affection: Bianca enjoys taking care of the people she loves, so her number one love language is acts of service. She also enjoys physical contact, but not initiating it

~ PDA (1-10 - 1 being lowest): 5

~ Have they ever been in love: Bianca believes she's only ever been in love with Manny, but she knows deep down her first love was her boyfriend who asked her to her high school senior prom

~ Have they ever had their heart broken? By who?: Manny broke her heart during the trial. She never found out the truth

~ Have they been in past relationships? How many? What were they like: A few relationships throughout high school but nothing serious before she started seeing Manny

~ History: One day, in the summer of 2015, DiAngelo sent Manny to the Jersey City Medical Center to keep tabs on a victim they discovered during one of their drug busts. Bianca was working that morning, and fortunately for Manny, was the only secretary at the time who wasn't distracted or unavailable. The man would never admit it, but the girl made him nervous. She was twenty at the time, he was in his early thirties.

He asked Bianca about the victim, a pregnant woman, and if she was available to answer any questions. She told him no, and what she expected him to do was either leave or throw a fit. But he stayed, and he flirted with her. She giggled and blushed and twirled her hair before he finally asked for her phone number. He promised to call and take her out on a date soon. They went out the next day. Manny planned the first date perfectly, according to Bianca. First, he picked her up from her parents house, met her parents at the door and shook her father's hand. Then, he took her to a fancy restaurant before going on a romantic walk through Hamilton Park.

The rest is history.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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