Stand By Me

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Basic Character Questions -

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Basic Character Questions -

~ Name: Ruby Nova Duchamp 

~ Nickname: Rubes

~ Birthday: July 8th, 1941

~ Age: 18

~ Sex: Female

~ Gender: Female 

~ Sexuality: Straight 

~ Height: 5'6"

~ Hair colour: Caramel brown 

~ Hair length: Waist 

~ Eye colour: Honey brown

~ Skin tone: Pale white 

~ Nationality: American 

~ Occupation: Blue Point Diner waitress

~ Where they live: Castle Rock, Oregon 

~ Time frame: 1959

Personality -

~ Good traits: Kindness, empathetic, respectful, responsible, polite, loving, friendly 

~ Bad traits: Anxious, cautious

~ Strengths: Critical thinking, logical 

~ Weaknesses: Gossipy 

~ Likes: Baking, reading, writing poetry 

~ Dislikes: Being dirty

~ Give anything for: Her younger brother

~ Habits: Chewing on her fingernails

~ Fears: Spiders, heights

~ Favourite animal: Ferret

~ Favourite colour: Peach

~ Favourite song: Here In My Heart-Al Martlno

~ Favourite food: Chocolate chip cookies

~ Talents/skills: Sewing, knitting, cooking

~ Pet peeves: People who chew with their mouth open

~ Introvert or extrovert: 50/50

~ Optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic

~ Indoors or outdoors: 50/50

Family/Friend relations -

~ Grandparents: Rose and Wyatt Duchamp (father's side) Molly and Callum Kline (mother's side)

~ Parents: Savanah and William Duchamp

~ Closer parent: Savanah

~ Siblings: Theodore (Teddy) Duchamp

~ Closer sibling: Teddy

~ children (if any): N/A

~ Other family: Not much contact with family members

~ Closest family member: Teddy

~ Friends: Eyeball Chambers, Ace Merrill, Denny Lachance, Charlie Hogan, Vince Desjardins, Gordie Lachance, Chris Chambers, Vern Tessio

~ Close friends: Charlie Hogan

~ Home life: Ruby took control of the household after her father went away to the mental hospital. She started to practically raise Teddy, their mother was either working to support them or in bed suffering with depression. Ruby tries desperately to stay away from home for as long as she can, whenever she can. She has total freedom, though her responsibilities keep her in Castle Rock instead of moving to attend college.

~ Personal life: Ruby spends most of her time with the Cobras. She graduated high school at the top of her classes, earning a degree to pursue a career in science. When she isn't hanging around with the gang, or making sure her little brother and his friends stay out of trouble, she occupies herself in her room, either alone or with her boyfriend.

Romance and relationship -

~ Love interest: Billy Tessio

~ Current Relationship: Dating

~ Future relationship: Broken up 

~ How they display affection: Physically + gift giving + nurturing

~ PDA (1-10 - 1 being lowest): 9

~ Have they ever been in love: Before Billy, no

~ have they ever had their heart broken? By who?: Her father

~ Have they been in past relationships? How many? What were they like: Billy was her first boyfriend, her first kiss, the man she first slept with, her first everything

~ History: Billy and Ruby met each other in kindergarten. All throughout elementary school, they hated each other. Billy would tease the poor girl senseless, and she would run home crying to her mother. It wasn't until high school that they found a mutual attraction for one another.
Ruby had spent a summer with her grandparents, away from Castle Rock. When she returned, she was 16, and suddenly grown up. Billy couldn't stay away from her from that point on.
After months of steady dates, he asked Ruby to be his girlfriend. She agreed, much to the dismay of her mother.

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