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Basic Character Questions -

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Basic Character Questions -

~ Name: Viviana Madrigal 

~ Nickname: Vivi

~ Birthday: October 3rd

~ Age: 15

~ Sex: Female

~ Gender: Female

~ Sexuality: Bisexual 

~ Height: 5'3"

~ Hair colour: Rustic red

~ Hair length: Mid back

~ Eye colour: Black 

~ Skin tone: Tan

~ Nationality: Columbian 

~ Where they live: Encanto, Colombia 

~ Time frame: 1899-1902

Personality -

~ Good traits: Loyal, honest, humbling, leadership, helpful, reliable 

~ Bad traits: Vindictive 

~ Strengths: Artistic, brave, communication, detail-oriented, logical

~ Weaknesses: Mathematical, time management 

~ Likes: Colours, singing, dancing 

~ Dislikes: Being alone 

~ Give anything for: Family 

~ Habits: Extremely superstitious 

~ Fears: Failure 

~ Favourite animal: Dolphin 

~ Favourite colour: Rainbow 

~ Favourite song: Surface Pressure

~ Favourite food: Sancocho

~ Talents/skills: Dancing, singing, cooking, cheering people up, herbology 

~ Pet peeves: Slow walkers 

~ Introvert or extrovert: Extrovert 

~ Optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic 

~ Indoors or outdoors: Outdoors

Family/Friend relations -

~ Grandparents: Alma and Pedro Madrigal 

~ Parents: Pepa and Felix Madrigal 

~ Closer parent: Felix 

~ Siblings: Dolores, Camilio (twin), Antonio 

~ Closer sibling: Camilio 

~ Children (if any): 0

~ Other family: Julieta, Agustín, Isabela, Luisa, Mirabel, Bruno

~ Closest family member: Luisa 

~ Friends: Town's People 

~ Close friends: None 

~ Home life: Viviana was born into a warm and loving family along with her twin brother, Camilio. She was, and still is at her grown age, spoiled. Her mother was the woman she aspired to be like, and her father was her protector. Viviana adores her family, including her aunts, uncles and cousins. 

~ Personal life: Viviana never has much time for herself. She spends most of the day in town with the children, using her power as a source of entertainment. If she is not in town, she is with a family member, mostly Camilo.

Romance and relationship -

~ Love interest: N/A

~ Current Relationship: Single 

~ Future relationship: N/A

~ How they display affection: Words of affirmation 

~ PDA (1-10 - 1 being lowest): 4

~ Have they ever been in love: No

~ Have they ever had their heart broken? By who?: No

~ Have they been in past relationships? How many? What were they like: N/A

~ History: Viviana was never one for love. She had bigger and better things to worry about. She always believed when the right person came along, she would know 

Questions specific to the show/movie/Character - 

~Power: Can alter/change the colours of anything in the universe 

~What does her room look like?: Filled with rainbows and sparkles. Her bed is surrounded by water, though the colour of the liquid changes. The walls reach high into the sky, and when you look up, you can see the galaxy. The milky way with all the stars and constellations, and Viviana can change the colours of them all. 

~What does her door look like?: A carving of Viviana, her hands attached to her sides. Her name was carved above her head, and only her door has colour, a streak of rainbow across it. 


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