part 6

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Bill didnt do anything right away, he stayed laying down then eventually grabbed his phone and started typing. "Im sorry for asking if its a personal subject or something, im just curious" i assured him, hopeing he knows how much i care for him out of this little amount of time we have known eachother. He handed me the phone and i started reading, 'I got in a car accident and my brother died which caused me to have a stutter. I started getting bullied for it and had to homeschool and eventually just stopped talking. I would talk but im afraid if i tried i would not know how, i stopped talking because the only person who ever talked to me was my brother, my mom went into a depressive mode till she left then my dad was just too busy then he died in a plane crash. I moved here to live with my uncle and his boyfriend but i was told to tell everyone their roommates but i trust you'. I looked up at him and noticed he was extremely uncomfortable so i hugged him. He didnt tense up or resist, he just hugged back.

I then sat up again and looked at him, "Id help you talk if you ever wanted to learn how, id love to hear your voice but you need to take your time". He smiled and nodded, i could tell he wanted to talk but not right now, and i was ok with that. I just met bill and im still not excatly sure why he is here at beverlys house, no one ever cleared that up, but im glad he is. I felt like i could tell bill everything about me and he wouldnt judge me, he made me wanna live forever, he made me wanna live now. I layed down and turned off the lamp and rolled over, he rolled the other way, we were facing away from eachother. I fell asleep quickly and was glad i was here instead of at home, in bed, more than likely doing something i dont want to be doing.
I woke up in the morning to bill tapping on his phone, "wow youre annoying". He made an apologetic face then handed me his phone, he was trying to get a video to load. I saw the name of the video then i exited out of the app. I cleared a few things then searched up the video, it loaded immdiantly after that. I handed it back and he smiled and nodded. I got up and walked out into the hallway when i was attacked by eddie, "Hide me somewhere", "Alright".

I pushed him into the room i was staying in and hid him under the bed, "Im sorry, its gonna be gross and dark". "Its ok" he responded then i let go of the skirt that lined the bed. Bill looked at me confused and i smiled, "WHo knows". I went out of the room then popped my head back in, "If anyone comes in here that isnt one of the people you saw here last night asking for eddie, dont tell them" and he nodded. I walked down the hall catching my breathe and turned the corner to find Sonia standing in the kitchen, "Hey...So-nia". "Hello stanley" she started, i cringed, "Have you seen eddie, he forgot his medicine and i want to make sure he takes it". "Uh no i have no idea where he is, i just woke up, rough night" i responded and she nodded, not caring at all about me anymore, "But hey maybe he is back home, went for a run or something". She stopped then something happened in her eyes, "Yes...yes yes maybe, if he shows up here please do tell me" she asked then walked out the door, "Will do....bitch".

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