part 7

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( i just realized im like baseing this off of druig and makkari from the eternals so im sorry the charcters arent like excatly how they actually are, also im sorry if this is moving a little too fast :) )
I watched her drive off then i ran to the guest room, "Eddie shes gone". Eddie climbed out from under the bed, with the help of bill, and stood up, "I think i breathed in a tarantula". I smiled and nodded, "Glad you didnt change under there". I walked over and sat down beside bill then eddie looked at us then heard footsteps, "And here he comes". Richie ran in and nearly fell but caught himself and leaned on the door frame, "heyy". I starred at him in response and he nodded, "Ok, how did yall sleep, comfortable, cozy, nak-", "Ok ok ok richie its time to leave" eddie pushed him out and i heard him hit his head on the wall, "Oh im sorry...youre fine" i heard him say which caused me to laugh. I looked over at bill and he was smiling hard, i noticed he barley laughs but he smiles alot. "Why do you barley laugh but smile so often" i asked and he grabbed his phone, "My brother said i looked pretty when i smile and i dont like my laugh". I nodded then handed him back his phone, "I think its cute". He nodded slowly then went on his phone.

I got up and walked out of the room into the bathroom, i need to fix my hair before richie makes a comment. I brushed it and slicked it down then decided to brush my teeth. I walked over to a basket beverly keeps under her sink where she puts her pads and our tooth brushes, she had one every one of us. I brushed my teeth then looked at my arm, i had cuts on my arm from a few days ago and they were healing slower than they usually do. I pulled back down my sleeve then sat down on the toilet, not using it just resting. I put my head in hands and sighed, i didnt wanna go home. It was sunday today so i didnt have an excuse and if im not home by the time my dad wakes up, he will be pissed. I rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed my stuff, "hey, i need to get home before my dad wakes up" i told everyone, they were all in the living room.

"Ok, are you ok" bev asked looking at me and i nodded and smiled then looked at bill, "yeah why wouldnt anything be ok". Bill looked down at my arm, there was blood on the sleeve. I must of picked at one of the scabs, "oh no im fine, i must of just picked at a scab from last night" i assured them and they all nodded, bill didnt look convinced. "Ok well ill see yall today or tommorow" i said then left, riding my bike back home, carefully.

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