part 12

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I sat in the bathroom for awhile, i knew what happened to the dog i just didnt want to admit it. Just then my dad called me from downstairs, "STANLEY". I wipped my face then ran to him, "Yeah". "You have someone on the phone" he said then went and sat down, i picked up the phone and sighed, "hello". "Hey stan, you need to come to the hospital now" i heard levis voice say from the other side of the phone, "Why". "Just hurry please" he said then hung up, i hung up the phone and ran out the door, my father didnt chase after me. I got on my bike and peddled to the hospital as fast as i could, what happened to bill was all i could think about. Is he dead, is he hurt, how hurt is he? Once i arrived to the hospital i parked my bike in the bike rack and ran inside the the front lady, "Hi my name is Stanley uris, im here to see Bill denbrough". "We dont have a bill denbrough, we have a william denbrough" she responded and i nodded, "yeah sorry him". "Room 14, down the hall to the right then the left" she said and i thanked her then bolted down the hallway.

I found the door and slowly opened it even though i was full of energy. "Hey stan" i heard richards voice say i walked in to see bill hooked up to abunch of breathing tubs and feeding tubes. "What happened" i asked quietly as i walked over to him, "He was on his bike heading for your house but he got hit by a car, they say it was a blue car with metalica written on the front, neighbors saw". "bowers" i whispered and he looked at me, "Do you know who they are" he asked and i nodded while kneeling down beside his bed, "Yeah, henry bowers and his gang. It was belchs huggins car". The nurse in there wrote that down then hurried out, i hope they get a life time of jail. I just now realized i was crying and i grabbed his hand, "Is he gonna be ok" i asked once the doctor came in, "There is a high possibility. We will give him two weeks and if he dosent wake up we will have to pull the plug".

I waited for everyone to leave when i actually started talking to bill myself. "Please please wake up, i can loose everything, but not you" i said then felt my face start to tear up more, "Oh god, not you". I layed my head beside his stomach while still holding his hand and i could hear him breathing. I layed there for awhile till the doctor came in and said i had to go home. I nodded and slowly let go off bills hand then headed home, still crying but it had gone down.

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