part 5

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"Ok, stan truth or dare" eddie asked and i thought a moment, "Truth". Eddie thought a moment then richie whispered something in eddies ear, "Do you have a girlfriend". I shook my head and laughed a little, "Heh no, no girl in this town will even talk to me" and i dont even know if i like girls. "Do you even like girls" richie asked and i looked at him confused, can he read my mind, "Uh i dont know, never thought about it till now" i responded and i could feel bill starring at me, "Ok uh richie truth or dare". "Dare" he responded immdiantly and i smiled, "I dare you to repeat what you said at the library". "I was just joking stan" he said laughing and eddie looked- no scowled at him, "Whatd you say rich". "Eh, i uh said there were hot cheerleaders outside" he finally spit out and eddie rolled his eyes and flicked him. Just then only my phone buzzed and it was a message from bill, it was him asking if they were dating. I nodded at him and he nodded back which confused everyone in the room.

"Hey stan, whats that on your arm" beverly asked and i looked down and quickly pulled down my sleeve, "Nothing, probably from the fall". "Then why did you cover it up" ben asked and i shrugged, "Because its not important". "Huh, i think a random mark on a persons body that their trying to cover up is important" richie said and i sighed, "Well if you put it like that then yeah it is". I looked at the clock and smiled, "Now its almost midnight, we should go to sleep, yknow" i pointed out and beverly nodded then richie blurt out, "But we havent even gotten to the drugs yet". Eddie flicked richie again as i stood up, "Where am i sleeping". "Well i thought you and bill could sleep in the quest room then ben can sleep with me and the rest can sleep in here on the couch and two chairs" beverly replied and i nodded, im gonna have to sleep in a bed with bill.

I walked down the hallway and looked at bill, "Im gonna go to the bathroom, ill be back", he nodded in response. I walked in and sat down on the counter and pulled up my sleeve. What it was, was a bruise from this morning when my dad grabbed me by the arm because i feed the dog, i did he just ate it before my dad got up, but he wouldnt listen. I pulled my sleeve back up then left the bathroom and walked into the guest room. I sat down beside bill on the bed and he had typed in his phone already 'are you ok'. "Yeah im fine, just a little bruise from when i fell" i lied and he nodded while laying down. He layed there for a second while i still sat up when i suddenly asked, "Hey, why dont you talk".

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