part 4

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I knocked on the door and the person who opened it suprised me, "Bill, hey what are you doing here". He grabbed my face and wiped my nose, im quessing there was blood. Mike popped up behind him and his eyes widened, "What happened to you". "Im fine, i swear, i just hit a rock a little too hard and i flipped over" i explained and bill pulled me into the house. Beverly had a rag already then she looked up from her hands, "Jesus stan, what happened", i smiled, "I hit a rock too hard". She wet the rag with the water bottle in her hand then walked over. Bill took the rag from bev and started cleaning my face, "I have first aid stuff in the bathroom" then eddie stood up, "And my backpack". Bill grabbed my arm like he did when he helped me at the library then started pulling me to the bathroom. "Ooo going to the bathroom together" richie joked and i rolled my eyes, "Shut it trashmouth".

I hopped up onto the counter and bill looked at me a minute then tossed me the rag at my face, "Could be a little nicer, im hurt". He nodded then opened a cabinet, he smiled. He pulled out some peroxide and a bandaid. He grabbed a cotton swab and soaked it in peroxide then swiped it across my face in different areas. It stung badly but i just gripped onto the counter. He noticed what i was doing and set his hand on mine then grabbed a bandaid and placed it on my right cheekbone. "Thanks" i said and he smiled then grabbed his phone and started typing. He smiled then handed it too me, it read 'sorry if it hurt'. I shook my head and hopped down, "No its fine, i swear". He starred at me which caused me to stare back until he smiled then opened the door.

We walked around a corner and richie looked up, "took you long enough", i smiled then flipped him off. Bill grabbed my hand and pulled it down and i apologized then beverly asked us, "Yall wanna play truth or dare". Everyone nodded then i got an idea, "Hey we could make a groupchat then bill could tyoe in there to communicate with us" and bevelry grabbed out her phone, "Ill do it". I looked at bill and he darted for his phone and texted me 'thank you'. I smiled at him and nodded, "Just using my brains here". He laughed a little then we all sat down in a circle, bill on my right and beverly on my left.

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