part 11

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We eventually got tired and stopped but we both were smiling. "So, are we like" i asked and bill nodded, "Y-yeah". We stayed quiet for a moment then bill said, "C-can we n-n-not tell my richard and levi" and i nodded, "Sure, and we can just let the losers figure it out", he nodded in agreement. "DINNER" richard yelled from downstairs and i looked at bill, "Hungry", "St-starving". We went downstairs and they were already sat down and i noticed two seats open beside eachother for me and bill. We sat down and i looked at the food, pizza. Simple, i like it. I smiled at them then took a bite of the pizza just like everyone else. "You ok stan, you and bill seem to be breathing hard" levi asked and i nodded, "Yeah, there...was a bug in his room and we were running around chasing it" i replied and smiled at bill, "Right". They both nodded then richard looked at me weird, "So stan, you got a girlfriend". I shook my head immediantly, "Nope, im not really interested in girls", he nodded. "How about a boyfriend" he continued and i looked at him, "No, not yet".

Richard looked at levi and smiled, "Have anyone in mind" and i smiled, "Yeah, maybe like 2". Bill then kicked me under the table, "ow, uh sorry, guess that bug is back". I ate more of my pizza in silence with the rest then levi asked, "Do you have a job". "Oh yeah, i work at the library. Thats how i met bill actually" i replied and he nodded, "Yeah bill loves reading". "I do too, it takes me away from the word im living when i dont want to be here" i explained and he nodded, "I agree". We all finished eating then levi offered "You can stay the night if you want". "Uh im sorry, i need to get home or my dad will be mad" i replied and bill looked at me, "pl-please, i d-d-dont want you t-t-to go there". "No you dont understand, i need to feed my dog and make sure my dad hasnt succsefully killed himself yet" i told him and he nodded, "Ok". "Thanks for having me, ill most likely be back" i said then left, i didnt wanna go home anymore than bill but i had too.

Once i got home i went inside and saw my dad on the couch and couldnt find the dog where he usually was, "Dad, whers mews". "Not important where were you" he asked standing up and walked up to me, he punched me. "I was in town, a friend invited me over to eat" i responded and he looked at me, "did you pick up a girl". "no" i said queitly and he hit me again. "Its not my fault that i dont find girls attractive!" i screamed and he starred at me, "What the fuck did you say". "Its not my fault that i dont find girls attractive. I am a fag and you can tell everyone in this town since it seems to be their buisness" i said in a monotone voice. He punched him back into the wall then grabbed my wrist, "You dont tell anyone or ill put you in more pain than youve ever felt". I tried to pull my hand out of his grasp but he was holding on too tight, "Do you understand" he asked and i nodded, "Yes sir". He threw my hand at me and pushed me towards my room. I ran to my room and shut the door. I walked into my bathroom and sat on the outskirts of the bathtub, i cried alot.

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