part 13

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I went home and didnt do much, i called in sick for the library and waited all day for a phone call from the doctor but by the end of the 2 weeks i had no good updates. I walked downstairs and the phone started to ring, I ran to the phone and picked it, "Hello, this is stan". "hello stan, this is the hospital, we have bad news" the started off and i felt my heart drop, "What is it". "We will have to pull the plug if he dosent wake up by 9pm tonight" they explained and i nodded, it is 7:43, "O-ok, will you call me if he has" i asked and they sighed, "yes sir". I hung up and looked outside, my dad was here. I walked into his room to see if he was awake then saw him, he was laying on the floor. I thought he was just passed out so i shook him abunch but he didnt wake up so i felt his pulse and i could feel it. I then noticed he wasnt breathing, no. No no no this isnt what i meant, i didnt mean it. I hate my dad with a living passion but he keeps me alive, for the most part. I didnt mean i wanted to loose eveything, oh god no i didnt mean this. I backed out of the room and shut the door then sat on the couch and waited for the call.

At 8:57 they called me and told me his hasnt woken up yet. "Would you like for us to wait till you get down here" they asked, "No i wont be there". "Very well" they replied then hung up. I walked into my bathroom and started my bathtub, i didnt know what i was doing but i was doing something. I grabbed a razor my dad kept to shave his mustache since he could afford a actual shaver. I undressed and grabbed a bottle out of the cabinet, pain killers. I swallowed all the ones that were left then layed in the bathtub before i got to dizzy. I grabbed the razor and sliced it across my wrist as hard as i could and watched the blurry blood drip into the water and dye it. I did my other wrist then layed there with my eyes closed, feeling the stinging sensation till i didnt feel or here or see anything anymore, i wasnt there.

I suddenly woke up and sat up and looked around, i needed to do something i knew it. "Oh my god" i heard someone say but my eyes were still adjusting. "I n-n-need to....STAN" i realized, i needed to see stan right then. I didnt know why but i did, "S-s-something happened, i k-know it" i said and the doctor ran out of the room and i he came back in, "You can go to his house and call us if you need something" the doctor said and i nodded and looked at richard and levi. I got in the car and we headed to stans house, i knew something was wrong. On the way there i started getting memories, i could remember what stan was saying to me while i was asleep. He cared about me so much and now i need to show to him i care about him just as much.

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