part 9

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(Happy brithday finn wolfhard :D ) (also if you havent checked the desription for the story, i put trigger warnings for the future story parts"

I walked over and sat down in a bean bag chair, "Ok do you want say specfic things or just have like a regular conversation" i asked and he typed, 'Regular convo'. "How did you sleep" i asked and he slowly said, "F-fine". I nodded then asked, "So what made you wanna start talking again" and he starred at me with his mouth a tiny bit open, thats how he thinks sometimes. "T-to t-t-tell you th-things ea-eas-easier" he finally spit out and i smile, "Is there anything you wanna tell me now" i asked and he looked at me for a second then looked at the ground while shaking his head, "N-no, n-not y-y-yet". I nodded and then looked at the stairs, "So how do you like it here" i asked and he shrugged, "I-its nice h-h-here". We sat in silnce for a second but then he suddenly asked, "Wh-what happened wh-wh-when you went h-home". I felt the part of my face that still hurt and smiled, "Nothing to worry about, and hey you just asked a question".

He didnt move his head or say anything, he reached out his hand and turned my head. "Its really not anything bill, i swear" i told him and he removed his hand, "Y-you sure d-d-do say i sw-swear alot f-for it n-not to be true". I could still feel bills hand on my face even though it wasnt there, i wanted it to be. "No i for real swear, its not a big deal. It happens all the time im immune to it" i finally said then realized that was actually a really bad way of saying it, "No not that it like happens all the time, not that anything is happening its just..." i started to rant but then i couldnt figure out what to say, "Y-you c-can talk t-t-to me" he told me. I nodded and sat up straight, "But this isnt about me, look at you, youre saying full sentences" i said smiling and he smiled back, his brother was right, he is really pretty when he smiles.

I helped him say a few more sentences then he looked at his watch, "i-i gotta go h-home". He stood up and staarted to walk away when i stood up, "let me ride with you, i need to talk to richie anyway" i offered and he nodded. We got on our bikes and rode to his house, not really saying anything but thats ok, it felt ok. Once we got there i said goodbye to him then watched him walk threw the door when his uncle opened it, "hey bill, whos that". "St-stan" bill responded and his uncles eyes widened, "Well, why not invite him to dinner" he asked and bill looked back at me, "Y-you w-w-wanna have d-dinner here" he asked me and i nodded "Yeah sure, thanks". "Ok, be here around 7" his uncle said and i nodded, "Will do sir".

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