part 8

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When i got home i set my bike in the place it goes then quietly walked inside. "Youre late" i hear my fathers voice say, "I know, sorry. I spent the night at beverlys house" i explained as i walked into the living room, hes high. "You finally got a girlfriend" he asked and i stood there for a moment in silence before responding, "No, not yet". He rolled his eyes and stood up, walking over to me slowly, "When are you gonna get yourself a girlfriend". My dad has been like this since he got fired from his job as a rabi, its because he was arrested for abusing my mom over the years of their marrige, i was the only one that knew for 16 years, then my mom left and he got worse. "I dont know, no one is interested in me" i responded, he slapped me across the face. "People are talking stanley, they say youre a faggot, that youre just adding to our familys misery" he told me and i stood still, "Im sorry people feel that way". He slapped me again then turned around, "Get a girl stan, love someone for once. Stop keeping to yourself all the time".

I know it sounds like he cares atleast a tiny bit but he dosent, he just hates the thought of having a gay son. I tell him over and over again im not but i dont even know if i am at this point. Ive never had a crush on a girl but i have on a guy, atleast i think i have. I layed down on my bed and starred at the ceiling, i looked at my arm and it had stopped bleeding but the scabs were still there. I got up and decided to shower, i grabbed a clean pair of clothes then started the shower. I cleaned myself then got dressed but left my hair wet. Once i sat down on my bed i got a message from bill, 'can you meet me at the clubhouse, ben showed it to me'. I typed back 'sure thing' then stood up. I went over to the mirror and checked my face...itll be bruised but its only red for now. I walked down the stairs and heard my dad snoring, i took the chance to leave.

I got on my bike and headed for the clubhouse, wondering why he wanted to meet me even though we just saw eachother. I was carefull around the rocky parts and stopped to let a few birds by then eventually made it. I parked my bike by a tree where bill layed his then i climbed down into the clubhouse. "Hey, what did you wanna meet up for" i asked and he handed me his phone, 'i wanna try and talk again'.

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