part 3

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I walked around and helped people and kept catching bill looking at me. When i was checking someone book out beverly ran up to me, "Hey have a good day, hope you enjoy the book" i finished then looked at bev, "Hey". "Heyyy, ok i wanted to ask if you and rich wanted to spend the night at my house, my dad wont be here for a week" she explained and i nodded, "yeah ill be able to, go talk to richie, hes over there annoying bill" i responded and pointed over at them. She nodded then ran over to richie, she always gets excited when we sleep over. Bill got up and walked over too me, probably annoyed of richies constant jokes. He pulled out a notebook and wrote down a number then under wrote, 'i have to go home, text me if you can' then he smiled and left. I watched him walk out then i pulled out my phone (im making this modern kinda but like no covid). I put his number in and made his contact bill :) then richie ran over, "Let me see let me see let me see stan".

I handed him the note and he laughed and handed it to bev, "Stan the man, you got yourself a boyfriend" he asked and i rolled my eyes, "Shut up richie, leave before i get fired". He laughed a tiny bit more then left but beverly stayed, "He seemed nice, does he talk". I thought a moment then shook my head slowly, "Uh no i dont think so, he is nice though. He helped me put some books up". She nodded then handed me back the note, "You might wanna keep this". I thanked her then watched her leave, now i have to finish this shift by myself, fun. I sat down in my chair then my phone buzzed, i quickly grabbed it and saw it was just my dad. It read 'when you get home, be quiet because the dog will wake me'. I responded 'okay' then closed of my phone and picked up a random book that was beside me.

Once my shift was over i went outside and locked the library. I looked around to see if anyone was around since it was dark and i didnt so i hopped on my bike and headed to beverlys house. I was peddiling down a rocky road when my bike hit a rock and i flipped forward and landed on my face. I sat up slowly and felt my face, i was bleeding. I wiped my nose with my sleeve then got back on my bike and headed for beverlys house, but slower. I kept having to wipe my nose because it wouldnt stop bleeding but i knew i had clothes at her house so i didnt bother me to much. I then felt my phone buzz so i stopped for a quick second and saw it was bill. He said 'Hii' so i responded back 'Hi :)' then pulled into beverlys driveway and headed to her door, while wipeing my nose.

(if this seems bad or rushes its because im rewatching spiderman and typing so im sorry. i also probably wont update right now but there will be more today)

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