Chapter 9.

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Jason on the side ->

"Ryan," I whine into the phone.

"What, peasant?" He sighs.

"Please come over! There's nothing to do tonight, so we might as well!"

"I'd rather not spend my Friday night watching movies beside a girl who will eat her weight in junk food." I could just see him roll his eyes.

I scowl, "and what, you'd rather jack off in your room to free poor you find online?"

"I do not spend my nights alone like that!" He yells defensively into the phone.

"Well that's what I'll get our friends to believe when I invite them all over to see me eat my weight in junk food," I mock him.

"I'll be there soon, you manipulative bitch," he hisses.

"Naw, I love you too Ryan," I sing his name.

He hangs up in my face without a goodbye and I can just imagine him changing into trackies and a hoodie as he grumbles to himself.

"Tori," I sing into the phone once she answers.

"What?" She asks in a bored tone.

"I believe the correct way to greet someone is in a polite tone, you buzz kill." I roll my eyes.

"That's as polite as I get right now," she deadpans, "now what is you want, Izzy?"

I roll my eyes as I always do when she talks, "I'm inviting you over to get fat with me while we watch movies. There's nothing better to do tonight."

"Hmm... Watch you stuff your face for the night and hear you constantly talking in my ear about how you wish you were one of those girls?" She asks.

"Yes, that's exactly what I will happen."

"Or," she sings, "stay home in my comfortable bed, in comfortable clothing while I lay with my dog and watch shows on my laptop... Both very tempting."

"Ryan will be here," I try persuade her.

"The fuck makes you think that tempts me to come?" She hisses.

"Because he's one of our best friends and is great company?" I ask in a questioning tone, playing dumb. Yeah that's why...

"Oh, um, I'll see." She clears her throat.

"No, don't see! Just come!" I whine.

"You're so needy!" She groans.

"Yes, I am. Now get your ass over here."

I hang up in her face before she can respond with a snarky comment and then go on to call Stiles.

"Stiles honey," I sigh into the phone.

"Izzy baby," he coos.

"How are you, my love?" I lay back onto my couch with my feet over the side.

"Good," he sings.

"You home alone?" I ask.

"Nope," he pops the 'p', "Scotty's with me."

"Hey Scott," I greet him through the phone, knowing I was on speaker.

"Hey Iz," he says back politely.

"Well, since you guys are together, I'm inviting you both over for a movie night with everyone."

"I'm down!" Stiles says cheerily.

"Same here," Scott chimes in.

"Great, can you guys bring me a few things?" I ask hopeful.

"Anything for you." Stiles chuckles.

The Proposition. ~Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now