Chapter 2.

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Jason McCann on the side ->

As Justin and I enter the school grounds I am immediately tackled to the ground by multiple bodies. Ryan is above me then on top of him is Scott and Stiles. To say that I can’t breathe would be an understatement.

“Ramirez,” they shout in chorus.

“I missed you so fucking much mamasita,” Ryan says whist he squashed me.

“Me too chicka,” Scott chimes in.

“Girl you already know I missed you.” Stiles laughs.

“Can’t…breathe.” I gasp for air.

Realization hit them that they are all muscular guys and I was a girl. They get up and give me a hand to pull me up. I dust the grass off the front of my clothes facing my back towards the guys.

As I was about to turn around, another three bodies tackle me to the ground. I grunt in pain while the guys burst into laughter. The girls squeals fill the air and along with my painful grunts and groans.

“Izzy,” Lydia squeals in her high pitch voice, killing my ears.

Alison just hugs me tightly while my best friend Tori sits on top of all of us looking bored.

“Guys, I can’t frecking breath.” I groan.

Alison pushes Tori off of the top of us and Tori lands on the floor with a thud followed by the guy’s laughter. I dust my clothes for the second time and glare at the people I call my friends.

“Can’t you all just fucking hug like normal human beings?” I growl.

Justin wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and muffled his laughter in my shoulder while we stood in front of our friends. They all look at each other and replied simultaneously with a “nope”. I roll my eyes and walked towards the doors of the school.

“You lookin’ fine, Ramirez.” Ryan whistles. “You been workin’ out?”

I blush and roll my eyes. Same old Ryan.

“Gotta agree with Ryan,” Stiles added, “you do like great.”

I blew him a kiss and he catches it, pretending to melt in Scott’s arms. Scott pushes him off of him and Stiles falls causing us all to laugh. He gets back up and catches up with the group again as if nothing happened.

There was a hallway of lockers and on each side there were lockers running across the walls. All of our lockers were all in the same hallway, so it was pretty cool.

I walk to my locker and open it to see it empty. I open my heavy bag and put my books for year 11 inside of my locker. I wasn’t taking many subjects so my bag wasn’t too heavy. I set them up neatly along with my makeup bag, perfume, hair ties, bobby pins and spare clothes. A girl has to be prepared for anything, its high school for Christ sakes.

I feel a body pressed to my back, a hand put on the locker beside mine and hot breath on my ear. My heart rate picked up and the usually pleasant fluttering in my stomach appeared knowing exactly who it was.

“What class do you have first?” He asked.

“Hmm…” I hum, looking through my schedule. “I have…history. What about you?” I ask turning to face him. I was trapped in between his arm but I really didn’t mind just as long as he was in my presence.

A smirk was playing across his lips as he pulls out his schedule to show me. I look down at it and my eyes lit up. “Looks like you’re stuck with me, Ramirez.”

The Proposition. ~Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now