Chapter 7.

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Gif of a scene that occurs. You'll know when. ->

"A proposition?" I furrow my eyebrows.

He smirks and nods his head, patting the bed he's currently sitting on. I gulp and make my way over to sit beside him on the bed where he take my hips and places me on his lap, causing my stomach to flutter with nerves and my cheeks to flush.

"Princess," he coos into my ear, making my skin crawl with goosebumps.

I turn to look at him and his eyes were looking at me in a way that would weaken any girls knees. The glint in them made my heart race at the intensity hidden in them.

"Let's not beat around the bush," he rasps, "you and I are both hung up on people that'll never want us."

"W-What do you mean?" I say softly.

"Sweetheart," he chuckles, his tongue playing with his lip ring, "the only person who doesn't know you're in love with Justin, is Justin. It's obvious to tell that you feel something for him or else you wouldn't have been by his side all these years even when he fucked up or fucked you over."

"I-I stayed by his side because that's what best friends do," I say sure of myself. "You don't just up and leave them."

"You're right," he nods, "you don't just up and leave those who you love."

"I-I love him like a brother, Jason. Nothing more nothing less."

"Princess," he tusks, "you don't have to pretend around me, alright? I'm not doing this to mock you, I'm doing this to help you."

"H-Help me with what?" I don't know why I keep stuttering I'm just... nervous. I mean... who wouldn't if they were sitting in Jason McCann's lap with his face inches away from theirs.

"Help you show him what he's missing out on." He smirks. "Oh, and show Brooke what she left me for."

"You want me to fake date you to make our love interests jealous?" I look at him incredulously.

"Who said we'd be fake dating?" He smirks.

"I-I'm confused," I shake my head, "I don't follow."

He chuckles and brings his hand up to push a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Princess, I wasn't kidding when I said I like you because I really do. I mean... look at you." I blush and look down at my feet which makes him cup my chin to look at him. "It's no secret that I along with every guy admire your beauty. I also admire your kindness and bubbly personality. You're a totally cutie."

I blush further and mumble a thank you, not really great with compliments.

"Go out with me and I'll show you that I'm better than he'll ever be," he whispers huskily, making my stomach flutter with nerves.

"What about Brooke?" I whisper. "Don't you still like her?"

"We both still like them, and that's the problem." He licks his lips as he removes his eyes from my lips to make eye contact with me. "We both need to move on, so let's move on together and show them we're not just going to wait around for them."

"I don't know," I whisper.

"How about I persuade you?" He whispers smugly, continuously creasing my chin.

I furrow my eyebrows as if asking how and without warning he slowly leans in the little distance and seals our lips in a soft kiss that has my body in overdrive with nerves and feelings.

I take a deep breath thorough my nose and bring my hand up to place on his cheek delicately.

There was no movement, just a simple, sweet kiss. To bad it was interrupted by the teenager himself. Justin's sudden appearance caused us to pull apart and make eye contact with him. His face was completely priceless at the sight of me on Jason lap, on a bed, his hand on my thigh, his other gripping my chin and my hand on his cheek.

The Proposition. ~Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now