Chapter 12.

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"Jason, seriously, it's fine." I chuckle. "You've taken me to school everyday this week since you asked me out. I think I'll manage walking to school this morning like I have everyday of my life."

"I don't care princess, I don't want to make you walk. Like I told you, when you're with me, you'll only get what you deserve which is the best," he stresses and my heart swells. "Do you want me to get Fredo to pick you up-"

"No!" I laugh. "It's fine, Jase! I'm serious, I'm half way there right now."

"Promise you're not lying?" He asks.

"Promise!" I laugh as I dodge a girl and her dog, going for a morning exercise. I had just walk passed Justin's house and I was on my way to school so I wasn't compel you lying to Jason. But he doesn't have to know that. I have legs, I can walk.

"Alright," he sighs distraught, "I'll be at school at snack, okay? I'll try make it after I'm done with what I have to do."

"Okay, Jase," I smile, "see you soon."

"Bye, princess."

I sigh happily at his farewell like a lovesick puppy and then jump startled when a voice suddenly appears beside me out of nowhere.

"Was that Jason?" He asks.

I clutch my heart and then push his shoulder. "You bloody scared me, Justin."

"Sorry," he chuckles, "I didn't know how to approach you without startling you."

"You could've called my name or tapped my shoulder!" I sigh frustratedly, trying to calm my heart rate.

"I'll remember that next time." He chuckles cutely, his tongue poking between his teeth, making him resemble a young boy. No, fuck off, I'm still mad at you.

I nod and look ahead of us as we walk in silence to reach our destination.

Suddenly I yelp when a guy from behind me pushes me and Justin onto the grass so he can get through and run off in a flash. We didn't even get to see his face but instead his retrieving back as he runs and two people run after him at the same pace.

"Son of a bitch," I curse to myself when I see I'd cut my leg on a tree branch.

"Watch where you're going next time, asshole!" I yell after him even though he was too far to her me.

"Iz," Justin sighs with a frown as he sits on his knees and puts both of his hand around my leg to hold it as he frowns at my cut, "that mother fucker hurt you."

"It's fine," I sigh, "just a small cut."

"Might not be too big but it's deep and it's bleeding heaps." Justin's sighs and let's go of my leg to open his school bag and get a tissue from a little packet he has in there called pocket tissues. He puts his hand up to stop me from commenting smugly on the pocket tissues. "Before you take a crack at me for carrying around a packet of pocket tissues, just know that my mother packed them into my bag a while ago when I got sick, just incase I need them if I sneezed at school."

I giggle and my heart swells at the mention of his mother and her care for her son, "gotta love mama Pattie."

He smiles to himself as he tries to stop the blood from seeping out of the cut. "Yeah... You really do."

The love he has for his mother has always warmed my heart and left me in awe because at his age it's very rare to see a son gold so much love and affection for his mother. But Justin's different. His mother is everything.

"When we get to school I can take you to the nurse's office to get it disinfected and get a bandage or if you want you can go alone if you wouldn't want me to come with you because of what's happening between us which is totally understandable considering-" he adorably rambles on which I can't help but look at me with an adoring smile on my face at the look of his nervous self, overstepping boundaries between us when in reality I don't mind much.

I put my hand over his mouth and he looks away from my cut to look up at me.

"Relax." I laugh.

The Proposition. ~Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now