Chapter 19.

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Isaac, Izzy's brother in the photo. Lived him in originals and teen wolf 😍

"Oh I will not hesitate to kill that, cunt," Isaac hisses as he jumps off the stool in the kitchen.

"No, no! It's fine, I swear! We're just going through a rough patch," I plead with my brother.

"A rough patch?" He raises his voice. "He laid a hand on my sister and didn't even help you when he's girlfriend did it to. He also fucking kicked you out of his car!"

I frown and hug his body that was rising and falling due to his anger.

"We both hurt each other, he just chose to carry it out", I whisper. "Don't dislike him cause I do. You know how he gets when he's hurt or angry and those two together make up the Justin that's hurting me."

He blows air out trough his nose and clenches his chiseled jaw all the girls at our school swoon over. "Izzy, just for your sake I'm going to try so fucking hard to let this slide without bashing his face in but mark my words... If he does anything else, he's dead to me and our childhood memories with him turn to shit, got it?"

"Yes," I whisper.

He sighs and brings me into his chest and kisses my forehead firmly. I close my eyes and hug him back before letting go.

"You're sure that's the only reason why I caught you crying when I came from school the other day?" He asks sternly.

"Promise," I grimace.

"Do not lie to me because I will find out one way or another, we clear?" He raises his eyebrow, his blue eyes full of masked anger. He's so lucky he got the blue eyes whilst I was given the boring brown. Cheers to us brown eyed fucks.

The only brown I love is Jason's and even though I hate to admit it, I love that prick Justin's as well. They've always been my weakness do in order to carry out this new detox of eliminating him from my life, I have to avoid those eyes like the plague.

After I bloody go over to his house with my mother to help Pattie make heaps of cupcakes for Jazzy's primary bake sale. I pray Justin isn't there.

"You ready, baby?" My mother asks as she walks into the kitchen, wraps her apron around her waist and grasps the bowl full of things Pattie needs to complete the task of creating the desserts.

I nod and follow her out the door, locking it behind us. We walk over to Pattie's house next door and my mother tells me that Pattie left the door open for us. Before we can open the door, Jojo opens it and puts his head back and look up at us as if we're giants. Ugh, how can someone find their brother as cute as I find mine.

"Yay, mummy and Bobo are here!" He squeals and hugs our legs.

"My baby boy," my mother pouts and groans at how much she adores her youngest son, "If I wasn't holding all this I'd ravish those chubby cheeks I created."

He giggles and puts his hands above his head for my me to pick him up which I gladly do without protest.

As we walk in I leave my lips attached to his cheek and close the door behind us. He giggles loudly at the endless kisses placed on his left cheek, my lips unmoving.

"Mm, Mojo Jojo. My favourite," I mumble against his cheek and playfully bite it earning a gasp.

"Mama!" He squeals loudly.

"Yes, baby?" She looks over at us as we reach the kitchen.

"Izzy's trying to eat me!" He squeals, squirming away from me.

"Can't help it." I place a big kiss on his cheek one last time and place him down as Jazzy runs to me at full speed with Jaxon not far behind.

I get on my knees and they run into my embrace, occupying both sides. They squeal my name and tell me how much they've missed me which I reciprocate because I know that it's because I don't come over everyday like I used to and Justin doesn't take them over to my house anymore.

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