Chapter 6.

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A little Christmas present for you cuties. Enjoy xo

Isabella's outfit for Jason's party.

I run through the doors later than ever because my brother drove to school without me today and made me walk. He's such an inconsiderate prick.

I run to my locker and being the clumsy little shit that I am, I trip over something and close my eyes to prepare myself for the fall to the ground only to have arms wrap around me and prevent me from falling face first into the tiled floor.

I open my eyes and gasp quietly when the person who caught me was inches away from my face. His breath hits my lips as he smiles down at me his breathtaking smile. I blush and admire his face as he slowly pulls me up to my feet. My hands are on his chiseled chest where tattoos were imprinted on his skin beneath his white shirt. Jason has my heart racing just like always. He's perfect.

I blink and slowly smile back at him. "I'm sorry I-"

"It was my fault, princess." He chuckles. "I just wanted to catch you or well, catch your attention." He winks. I gasp and push his chest and only for him to grab my hand and put it on the nape of his neck as he keeps his hands on my waist.

"You sly devil." I chuckle.

He smirks, "what can I say? I'm a babe magnet with the ladies, sweetheart."

I hear feet echoing towards us which catches my attention, directing it away from Jason. I turn my head to see Justin power-walking as he flips through his workbook probably looking for first periods homework. He was late too because he also had to walk. Isaac is usually our ride to school but the prick obviously didn't take ether of us.

Justin looks up to see if he's about to walk into anyone then looks back down at his book as he continues power-walking to his locker. He does a double take when he realises he wasn't alone in the hallways and that Jason and I are here. His walking slows down as his thoughts are confirmed about seeing us. A cute frown of confusion graces his facial features and I mentally awe but try my best not to fall for it.

I look away from him and look at Jason who is watching me with a smile. I blush and look down in between us before moving my hand from his neck and taking his hands away from me. I'm not one to spite another. No matter what happened with Justin I know he hates Jason so I won't put it in his face that I'm befriending a person he isn't fond of.

"You coming to my party tonight, princess?" He asks, his voice echoing down the halls.

I snap my eyes away from his tongue that is currently playing with his lip ring to look him in his eyes, hoping he didn't catch me.

"Yeah," I smile, "Ryan and I are rocking up together."

"Sweet," he smirks. "Oh and you two might rock up together but when you get there, you're all mine, Ramirez."

I blush and can't find my words nor look him in the eye. I turn my head to see Justin open his looker with a clenched jaw, showcasing his defined jawline I always love tracing with my finger tips. He glares at his locker as he puts his bag inside and looks around for the books he needs first two periods.

"Well I guess I'll see you tonight then." I smile at Jason.

"Yes, you will," he smirks, leaning forward and kissing my cheek that flushes bright red immediately at the contact of his lips. "See you tonight, princess."

I sigh contently as I stare at his retrieving back longingly. He's so charming and so irresistible.

"Excuse me, but some of us actually have to get to class instead of day dreaming about irrelevant guys." Justin says from behind me.

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