Chapter 17.

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"Mum, I don't want to go to this dumb dinner." I groan.

"Izzy, shut up!" My mother groans back.

"Yeah, no one cares about your petty little fight with, Justin." Isaac rolls his eyes.

"We all know you two are bound to make up," Lily adds in.

"Although this is as long as you two have lasted speared," my father adds in which surprised me at how observant he's been.

"Yeah I know, what has it been now, Izzy? Two and half weeks since you two have spoken?" My mother raises her eyebrow.

"Um, can we all stop having a family discussion on my failed friendship?" I stare at them incredulously.

"At least they're discussing you at all, I'm way too neglected in this family." Lily huffs.

"Now that's not true we discuss things about you too, Lily." My mum frowns.

"Besides her failed school reports, no mum I don't think you do." Isaac snickers and I join him with a high-five.

"Shut up, Isaac!" She growls and punches him in the shoulder.

"Fuck," he hisses, "how could such a girly girl be so God damn manly."

"Don't underestimate women, Isaac," my mother tells him as she concentrates on applying her lipstick in the hallway mirror.

"Trust her on that, son," my father mumbles.

Isaac snickers, "looks like you learnt the hard way, pops."

"Oh yeah," my dad breathes.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" My mother turns to face us. "Where's Jojo? Jojo! Baby, where are you?"

"I'm comin' mama!" He yells as he runs but he trips and we hear his body collide with the floorboards.

We all wince but hear his feet pad fast against the floorboards before he runs into the living room where we're all seated.

He's breathless and puts his hands on his knees as he pants. "Wowie, we have too many stairs, mama."

My mother coos and bends onto her knees with open arms. Jojo blushes and looks at his feet as he walks to her his neck going into her neck shyly. We all coo and I bite my fist to prevent myself from screaming at how cute he is. Does anyone do that? Bite their finger or fist at how cute babies or kids are? I have teeth marks...

"Can we go now, mama!" He whines, wiping of her lipstick. "I don't want to keep Jazzy waiting." His voice and pronunciation just made it so much cuter!

"Jojo, don't you look handsome." My dad picks him up and tickles him which makes Joseph squeal adorably in giggles.

Joseph's wearing a pair of blue jeans, grey Converse and a thin black fitter jumper. My little brother's slaying pussy cats at young age. See what I did there...

"Alright, Pattie just texted me to hurry up since the other guests have arrived." My mum hurries us to the door.

"Well I'm glad we don't have to drive to our destination." My dads smirks.

We all snicker and give him props before mum hushes us before knocking.

"We never knock, why start now?" I question her.

"Because there's people here now, and it's considered rude." She glares at me to shut me up and I huff. "Fix your outfit."

I sigh and fix the crease in my dress. I frown at my heels since I felt like they're too dressy to wear to Pattie's house since I always come here dressed like I live here.

The Proposition. ~Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now