Chapter 4.

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Joseph in this chapter on the side. So cute ->

Not edited, writing this whilst i'm struggling to keep my eye open. 


“Joseph!” I yell as soon as I get home from going out for lunch with the guys after school. It was now 6:30 pm. “Jojo!”

“I’m in the kitchen, Bobo.” He calls from the kitchen.

I furrow my eyebrows and slowly take my bag off of my shoulders and place it on the floor near the door. I walk further on into my house and finally reach the kitchen, gasping at what I saw.


“I’m sorry Bobo it was an accident!” He says with frantic eyes.

Joseph sat on the floor with food all around him. He had a tub of Nutella in his hand whilst he held a spoon covered in Nutella. He had Nutella all over his face and hands along with his clothes. He had a bag of marshmallows that look like they burst open all around him because he opened it with his teeth. There was a bag of one hundred thousand that was spread all over the floor making it look like a frecking rainbow vomited in our kitchen. 

“Hey guy- holy mother of god what happened in here?” Justin says as he appears out of nowhere.

Justin starts laughing and I join Joseph in looking at Justin weirdly as if asking “what the fuck are you laughing at”.

“You look like Izabella when she’s on her period,” he snorts causing me to scowl at him for the period joke.

“I do not look like that!” I defend myself.

“You’re right you look worst,” he cackles.

“Why are you in my home?” I roll my eyes.

“To see, Jojo.” He shrugs.

I bend down and grab my brother by his hips making sure he doesn’t touch me. I give him to Justin who instinctively puts his arms out to hold Joseph like I did, scrunching his nose.

“Then you’re on shower Jojo duty.” I smirk at him, pushing him and my dirty brother out of the kitchen.

“Oh come on, Cooks!” He whines.

“You said you wanted to see him so now you can,” I say smugly, waving at him as he leaves the kitchen with a scowl, making sure that Joseph’s dirty self didn’t touch him.

Despite what went down at school with Justin, Jason and Ryan when we texted in class I let him know that we were cool…I mean he didn’t really do anything to me.

He broke your heart by making out with Lizze. I cringe at the thought of him lip locking with another girl. It hurts being in love with a player.

I start cleaning up the big mess that my brother made; shaking my head at how much a two year old could make such a mess. He’s just like me…we both love food.

I had to clean it before my mother finishes cleaning my Brother Isaac’s room which would take a while because just like every guy he’s a pig.


I sigh tiredly as I walk up the steps to go see how Justin and Joseph are going. I hear giggling and it warms my heart, immediately bringing a smile to my face.

I walk a little faster and stop in front of the bathroom with the door open. I walk a little closer and lean on the doorframe as I watch them quietly.

“Do you wanna have kids someday, Juju?” Joseph asks Justin as Justin scrubs Joseph’s little arms.

“Of course I do buddy.” Justin smiles at him.

The Proposition. ~Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now