Chapter 3.

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Justin in this chapter. You'll know which scene ;)

I wake up at 3:30 in the morning with Justin’s face shoved in my neck as his cute little snores vibrate on my skin. I smile tiredly and stroke his face blindly since we were spooning. Having him this close to me makes me feel all warm and safe inside. Some people wish to go to Disneyland or to meet a celebrity but all I want is to always be in the safe haven of Justin’s arms.

I slowly get out of his grip making his head fall on to a pillow and his arms rest out in front of him instead of being wrapped around me. He quietly whines in his sleep and started searching for something to hug realising I was gone. I awe at the sight and have to restrain myself from jumping back into his arms.

He whines and opens his eyes slowly. He blinks a couple times and jumps up into a seating position when he realises I’m not in the bed with him.

“Izzy?” He says worriedly.

“Relax Biscuit Head,” I say softly as I climb on to the bed and sit in front of him. “I’m right here.”

He sighs and puts me in his lap killing me internally. “Please tell me you got sleep, Cookie?”

“I did.” I sigh. “I think I just woke up because I’m hungry. We did sleep through dinner after all.”

“Yeah, I was supposed to wake you up but I kinda fell asleep to.” He says sheepishly.

I giggle quietly and nod. “All good but um…I’m actually really hungry so I was thinking of going downstairs to um…well eat whatever’s in the fridge.”

He sighs happily and pulls me into his chest to kiss my forehead. “This is why we’re best friends, because I’m fucking starving.”

I giggle and get out of his grasp to smirk down at him. “My fridge awaits our presence.”

He chuckles and gets up to stand in front of the bed. I go on top of my bed and gently wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as his arms wrap around my clothed thighs.

“Off to the kitchen, Biscuit Head.”

He chuckles quietly and walks to my door to open it slowly, making sure it doesn’t creek. We pop our heads out of the door way of my room to look from side to side to make sure no one is awake.

“Alright go,” I whisper.

He tiptoes to the stairs and starts walking step by step. I feel a sneeze coming on so I muffle it by shoving my face into his shirt. He jumps in fright at the sudden action and stumbles giving me a fright.

“Cooks,” he whines. “You coulda warned me dude.”

“Sorry,” I whisper, kissing his neck. “I didn’t know.”

He licks his lips and nods before continuing our quiet journey to the most beautiful place on earth known to women. The fridge.

We walk into the kitchen and look around. I spot Lemon Marong cake in the corner of the kitchen and jump off Justin’s back to get it first.

“Oh hell no,” he grabs me by my waist as I try run in front of him.  I squeal and kick my legs around as my arms make grabby hands in front of me at the dessert I love.

“Let go,” I squeak. “You know my mom makes that because she knows how much I love it.”

“Yeah right,” he scoffs as he still has a tight grip on me. “She only makes it when I’m here.”

“You don’t even live here,” I give him a “what the fuck” face. “It’s my house, my mother and most importantly my food.”

The Proposition. ~Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now