Chapter 16.

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Isabella's POV:

"Isabella." My mum frowns disappointedly.

"Mum, I tried to explain and spare his feelings but he cut me off before I could!" I defend myself quickly. "And when he did cut me off it removed all traces of me wanting to apologise! Do you even realise how much those words hurt me, mum? We've been best friends our whole lives without fighting this serious, why now? He's hurting me."

"I understand baby, I'm on your side cause I don't agree with him hurting you countless times, but have you ever thought of how much he's hurting?" She raises her thin eyebrow.

"Mum, the only thing he's hurting about is me being with the guy he hates, nothing else." I clench my jaw. "I would never do anything to intentionally hurt him. Did you not hear me tell you how he looked me straight in the eyes while Brooke was pleasuring him in his room? That's disgusting, mum! He should've at least felt bad about it and closed the curtain or something, but no. He continued and let me watch!"

"Now that's disgusting," she shakes her head and places her mug in the sink, "that's down right disrespectful and I'm so disappointed in him for that since I've only ever seen the good in him."

"That's why you're biased when I tell you the wrongs he has committed." I sigh. "But you don't have to dislike him cause of the things occurring between he and I. He's still great to all of you."

"I know, baby." She kisses my forehead and brushes my hair back. "It's just cause I can't stand to see anyone hurt my daughter. It's a mum thing."

I giggle and hug her waist as she strokes my hair. No amount of comfort will compare to a mother's touch.

The door opens and closes which makes my mother and I look up but not pull away from our embrace since we're expecting a family member. What we don't expect is Pattie to walk into the kitchen.

She grins at the sight of our mother daughter embrace and practically skips over to us to join it by cuddling us.

I giggle and place my hand on her back just as she kisses my forehead. She's like my height which isn't too great in her favour but she doesn't need to bend to kiss me which is good.

"Hello daughter I never had and best friend who I despise for her height." She grins wider which makes my mother and I laugh.

"You seem way too smiley, Pat," my mother smirks, "Jermey in town or something?"

Pattie clenches her jaw and shoves my smug mother. "Don't mention that good for nothing piece of white trash."

"And I thought Justin was cold." I put my fist to my mouth immaturely and she rolls her eyes.

"Speaking of Justin, I know something ugly went down with you two since he's moping in his bedroom and writing songs that aren't too happy." She grimaces.

I sigh and cross my arms over my chest as I avoid her blue eyes. "You could say that."

"He won't tell me what happened but he said it was bad this time." She sits on the bar stool near me and plays with my hair.

"Isn't it always recently." I sigh.

"Tell me about it," she chuckles, "the most serious fight you and Justin ever had is over your mother's lemon meringue cake."

I crack a smile unwillingly much to her happiness. "I wish that was still the most serious one."

"Why has it been so bad lately, honey?" She frowns.

"I think it's because we both feel that both of us have betrayed each other." I frown. "He started dating the girl that's been bullying me for as long as she's known me and then I unintentionally started dating the guy he has despised since we were like five."

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