Chapter 13.

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Photo that describes Isabella lmao!

Narrators POV:

"Alright, stop!" Isabella laughs aloud, her laugh filling the car as Jason spoils her flushed cheeks with kisses. They'd just arrived to school and he apologised again for making his girlfriend walk yesterday which didn't bother her since she was used to walking.

"Mm, chubby princess cheeks," he mumbles against her chubby cheeks, his new addiction.

They were also Justin's favourites. In fact they still are.

She pushes him off with great struggle, laughing as he whines for her to come back after she opened and closed the door.

She runs off laughing her head off as she hears his door slam from behind her. She stares ahead of her blissfully and sees Justin walking hand in hand with Brooke.

Just like always, the poor girl's heart ached and the unpleasant feeling she's become accustomed to after all these years of being in love with him come flooding back. Why did she have to love him is what she always asks herself.

When Justin makes eye contact with her, she didn't realise that she'd slowed down. He smiles at her but it falters when he sees the boy he despises running up behind her and eventually taking her into his arms which causes her to squeal in surprise. Her laughter fills the morning air as he spins her around, catching the eyes of by passers who stare at them in awe and irritation.

"This is so corny and bad for your rep, McCann!" She yells through her gleeful laughter.

"And why's that?" He finally puts her down and spins her around to stare at her breathlessly.

"Because last I checked, you were never the type to be cliche with a girl and show too much affection because it'd make you look like a pussy." She smirks.

"Justin might be like that princess, but with me, I'll shower you with however much affection I please without giving a fuck about my rep." He smirks right back, making her knees weak.

As Jason spoke his somewhat romantic words to Isabella, Justin was off in the distance, looking at them with feelings he has never felt before. A thought that scared him a bit was the fact that he feels envious of Jason right now. Jealously? Where the hell did that come from?

He forces his gaze away from a girl that he's obliviously been hurting for a while and the girl that's been obliviously hurting him right back.

They're both just two naive teenagers.

Jason's friends join him and Isabella as they all walk at normal pace to make their way to their lockers.

As they all walked, Isabella realised all the attention that they get. Being Jason's girlfriend makes her so self-conscience since she's constantly being judged and looked at.

It's similar to the looks she got for being acquainted with Justin. Every girl swoons for Justin just as much as they do for Jason. But with Jason the looks are different cause she's his girlfriend. With Justin she was just his best friend, so the looks weren't that bad.

She shrugs it off and walks behind a couple holding hands. Jason was too in grossed in his own conversation with his friends to see in front of him.

Isabella's POV:

Jason's hand was still clasped in mine just like the couple in front of us.

I don't know why but I looked at the back of the guy's head. I sigh when I realise it's Justin. I know the back of his head like the back of my hand since I'm so used to playing with his hair.

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