{4} Home Away From Home

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Jungkook looks around at the barren room around him. He felt alone again. All of the other boys have already left the dorm early in the morning the next day to travel to their respective kingdoms.

Kiko and Seok were both peacefully asleep on the bed as Jungkook reminisced about all of the good times that have happened at this school. It's where he found out how to control his new abilities. It's where he met the five boys and the specialist. It's where he met Taehyung.

He sighs as he grabs a hold of his suitcase. "Goodbye Alfea." He wakes the two animals and they jump awake. They can tell the boy is sad about leaving, but couldn't keep the smile off of their faces. They follow Jungkook as he walks out of his old dorm room.

Luck just really wasn't on his side today as he stepped outside. He hears thunder cracking and rain starts to fall. He frowns as he feels the water falling onto his hands. "Well, at least the portal isn't that far away."

He reaches the forest where he first met Seokjin and opens a portal into the human world. He walks through and is in a forest close to his hometown; Busan. He walks through Busan with a neutral expression.

Sure, he was excited about seeing his adoptive parents. Sure, Jungmin and Choyoung have been wonderful to him and have been amazing parents. But, he couldn't help but feel sad that he didn't know who his real parents were.

He steps into the entryway of his home and takes a deep breath before he rings the doorbell. He hears footsteps coming towards the door and next he knows his parents are opening the door for him. They smile and Jungkook couldn't help but smile back at them.

Choyoung is first to welcome the boy and embrace him in a warm hug. Jungmin is next and hugs his son just as tight. Jungkook pulls away and he and his dad both get startled when Seok appears in front of them. Jungmin pulls his head back and sneezes, making the cat disappear. Yeah, it might be a problem having Seok around if his dad is allergic to cats. But, they'll work that out later.

Jungkook gets settled in and brings his bag to his room. They eat dinner together and Jungkook offers to help his mom with the dishes. Jungkook starts telling her about all of the adventures they have been on since he's last seen them.

He gets so excited that he loses grip on the plate he was washing and drops it. The plate crashes to the floor and Jungkook grimaces at the loud sound. He looks up at his mom and she has a shocked look on her face.

Jungkook waves his hand, and a new plate appears in his hand. The plate has bacon and eggs placed on them, and his mom couldn't help but laugh at the boy.

Weeks have gone by, and Jungkook has been trying to make the best of it. He goes out to town and sees the wonders of Busan. He loves his hometown, but something deep down inside of him wants to go back to Alfea and the Magic Dimension. He tries to call Taehyung, to hear his voice. But, he doesn't pick up.

Jungkook has been nervous ever since Taehyung left him and left with that girl. Who was she? Why was she so persistent about taking Taehyung with her? Was Taehyung... no. He would never.

Jungkook tries to dial his number again, but it doesn't work. He sighs and looks out of the window of the train he was currently on. He traces his hand on the window and writes Tae x Kook on the window, a heart surrounding it. He leans on the window as the train gets closer to his mom's floral shop.

He gets out and goes into the shop to start helping his mom. A lady eventually comes in and orders a couple of flowers while her daughter plays with Kiko. Jungkook laughs and smiles at the two but starts to worry when Kiko starts floating in the air.

The little girl tries to get her mom's attention, but when the lady turns around she only sees a bunny laying on a stool. Choyoung gives her son a look and Jungkook just raises his shoulders. He can't help what the Magical Dimension did to Kiko.

The same night, Jungkook tries to get some reading done on the couch. But, he was too distracted. He tried to reach Taehyung again, but all that came up was his voicemail again. Jungkook sighs and closes the book. He lays his head down on the arm of the couch. He just wanted to hear his voice.

Another day, Jungkook is looking through a photo album, looking for any ideas that he could do. He turns the page and sees a picture of him when he was in high school. He was out in the snowy, December morning making snow angels in the yard. He couldn't help but smile and go to his room to get his snow gear on.

He goes outside with Kiko and Seok and the three of them are all messing around in the snow. For the first time since Jungkook arrived in Busan he felt free. He loves it. After the wonderful day of fun, Jungkook sits on his porch as he pets Kiko and Seok.

His parents couldn't help but smile as they saw their son finally enjoying his time back on Earth. "Aw, look it Choyoung. This is the first time he's started to really act like himself since he's gotten back."

His wife just sighs. "I know, Jungmin, but Busan is too small for him now. This isn't his life anymore, love. He's a magical fairy prince from another world. It can't be easy for him to just come back to this normal lifestyle."

He places a hand around her waist. "I just wish there was something we could do for him."

Choyoung smiles. "Maybe, there is."

Jungkook eventually comes back inside and claims that he is going to bed. His parents wish him goodnight and they head into the living room to come up with an amazing idea that will cheer up their wonderful son.



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