{7} Mountain of The Rock

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The specialists are all climbing up the side of the mountain, making their way to the top. It gets colder the more they climb, but they had to do it for their friend. Yeonjun makes vines that are attached at their waist, to prevent them from falling off.

They are near the side of the mountain, watching the boys from below. Jimin couldn't help but worry about his boyfriend. He looks over to Yeonjun. "Are you sure they're going to be alright?"

"Don't worry. These vines are stronger than steel; they'll hold."

Yoongi groans behind Taehyung. "Pick up the pace, Tae! I don't want to hang around here all day."

Soobin rolls his eyes. "Why don't you talk a little louder? I don't think that bird over there heard you."

"Who asked you, Soobin!"

Jaebum scoffs as he climbs behind them. He motions towards Namjoon. "I didn't think it was possible, but Yoongi seems even grumpier than usual."

Yoongi can hear the younger man's remark. "The dumb thing can't even see us. We're too small to make a decent snack for it."

The mountain starts to shake and the boys hold on to dear life. Taehyung looks over and notices the emerald eye suddenly appearing above them. The face of the mountain starts to move, and a scream comes from the bird's mouth. The mountain itself is the bird!

The boys at the bottom of the mountain start to panic as they see the bird moving its head.



Hoseok tries to calm the boys down. "Hey, relax you two."

Jungkook takes a deep breath. "Hoseok's right. The boys are going to be fine, just as long as it doesn't-" Jungkook doesn't get a chance to finish his sentence before the mountain flaps its wings and starts flying off into the sky. "Take off."

The specialists are now all hanging onto the vines as the birds take off through the air. Taehyung and Soobin hold on right away. Yoongi is holding on with one hand and struggles to grab on with the second, but he finally does it. Jaebum is slowly slipping and starts to panic a little inside.

Namjoon nervously laughs as he holds on. "Relax guys. Think of it as a free ride."

Jaebum frantically holds on. "Yeah, that really doesn't help me!"

Seokjin starts to panic as he sees his boyfriend being taken away by the giant rock bird. "No! My sweet. Boys, we need to transform and chase after that-"

Jungkook stops him. "Seokjin, no. That thing is way too fast, we would never catch up to it. If we want to save them, we've only got one option. Let's get back to the ship. Come on!"

They put on their helmets and drive back to the ship like Jungkook said.

The boys aren't having much luck with the bird. Jaebum is slowly falling off of the vine that he was holding onto. He screams and Namjoon looks behind him.

He notices the boy falling and reaches his hand out towards the boy. "Jaebum! Grab my hand!" Jaebum tries to reach towards Namjoon, but he can't touch it. "Come on! The vines are starting to break!"

Jaebum notices the vine and panics even more. He tries to reach for his hand again, but the vine snaps before he can grab it.

Jaebum falls towards the ground and his friends all scream after him. "Jae!"

Jaebum braces himself for the landing, but it never comes. A vine wraps around his ankle and the boy couldn't help but let out a small breath of relief as he starts to slowly make his way back to the boys. Just, a little upside down.

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