{6} Welcome to Domino

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The boys didn't want Jungkook to wait any longer and immediately left for Alfea. Jungkook hugs his mom and dad and they wish him good luck on the new adventure. Seokjin opens the portal and they travel back to the Magic Dimension.

The specialist brings the fairies to Red Fountain so they can borrow one of the ships for the journey to Domino. Jaebum takes the wheel and Youngjae is sitting beside him. They start to get closer to Domino, and the ship starts to shake a little.

"Um, Jae?"

Jaebum just smiles at his nervous lover. "Gentlemen, we may be experiencing a little bit of turbulence. Please, hold on."

Lets just say, it was more than a little bit of turbulence. They all grudgingly get out of the ship holding their stomachs. Yoongi goes over to Jaebum and slaps him in the back of the head. "That turbulence was not minor."

Everyone else is walking ahead, trying to get rid of the nausea while Taehyung and Jungkook lag behind. They didn't really feel all that nauseous, and they were already holding onto each other before they landed.

Taehyung takes a hold of Jungkook's hands, getting his attention and stopping him in his tracks. "Jungkook, listen. About the talk we were having back at your house." Jungkook stops to think about everything. He's tunning Taehyung out as he thinks about that night after graduation. The girl. He couldn't stop thinking about that girl! "I know you've been looking for me and trying to contact me all of these months wondering where I was and-"

Jungkook lets go of his hand. "I've been waiting for you for four months. I can wait a few more hours. Right now, we have a mission and I need to stay focused."

"Do you even want to know?" Taehyung doesn't know if he should feel relieved or upset that Jungkook is saying all of this with a smile on his face.

"I trust you, Taehyung. I can wait." Jungkook hugs the boy and relaxes in his embrace.

Youngjae notices the couple and sighs. "Let's get moving! I'm trying to get a read on where the library would be, but my handheld is frozen!"

Hoseok looks around the frozen wasteland surrounding all of them. He couldn't believe that this was Jungkook's kingdom. "Can you believe that this was once the most beautiful planet of the Magic Dimension?"

Namjoon couldn't help but agree. "Yeah. Before it was destroyed by those Ancestral witches."

Jimin shivers at the thought of those witches. Yoongi holds onto him, thinking that he's just cold. "And there's not a single trace of what used to be here. Not a single place or person."

Yeonjun hated the emptiness he was feeling. "No signs of life. It's... awful."

Taehyung walks over to Youngjae to see if he can try to help. Jungkook opens his palms and smiles as an idea pops in his head. "Maybe Junghyun's mask can help us." The mask appears in his hands and Jungkook smiles at it. He gets a little surprised when the mask is suddenly on his face.

Jungkook looks around and gasps in wonder at the amazing sight he's seeing. The clear, blue sky, the wonderful flowers, the mountains, and the big trees growing around. Everything looks so beautiful when it isn't covered in snow.

"Wow! Junghyun was right! I can see Domino like it used to be. It's so beautiful!"

His friends are looking at him like he's going insane. Youngjae takes his finger and spins it around his head; telling the other boys that Jungkook has officially gone crazy.

Jungkook motions the boys forward. "Follow me!"

Youngjae looks at his phone and shrugs. "Uh, Jungkook, are you sure that's the right way?"

"I know it sounds crazy, but this mask is showing me the way to the library, and we need to follow it."

Seokjin points to it. "Is that your brother's mask?"

"Yes. He gave it to me in my dream. It will guide us on our journey."

"Well, then let's get going," Youngjae persisted. "With this tough terrain, we will need to take the motorbikes. Let's go!"

The boys all do what Youngjae says, and everyone partners up on a motorbike as they ride towards their destination. Hoseok is the only one who has his own bike as the couples all share their bikes.

Taehyng was leading as Jungkook held onto him from behind, looking around with his brother's mask on. Yoongi pulls up next to him and smirks. "Are you actually trying to outride me, Taehyung? Why do you want me to humiliate you in front of your boyfriend?"

Taehyung laughs. "Humiliate? You were going too slow, I thought Jimin was going to fall asleep."

Jungkook and Jimin both roll their eyes at their competitive boyfriends. Yoongi glares at the boy and starts to speed up. "Oh, yeah? Well, we'll see you at the finish line." Yoongi passes Taehyung and starts making moves on the motorbike. Jimin laughs and cheers in glee at the amazing tricks. He hasn't had this much fun with his boyfriend in a while.

Taehyung takes on the challenge and starts to speed up as well. Jungkook didn't mind the sudden change of speed. Jungkooks glances around at all of the amazing sightings Domino has to offer. Everything looks absolutely breathtaking. He leans on his boyfriend and watches the view as he races Yoongi.

The boys are now next to each other and start to give each other competitive glances as they start to go even faster. The boys are both stopped as a green wall appears in front of them, stopping them from going further.

Jaebum and Youngjae pass them and the younger boy just shakes his head and scoffs at the two specialists. "Okay, two things. One, you two need to stop acting like children. Two, Jungkook, is that mountain the mountain your brother was talking about?"

Jungkook looks up and sees the mountain ahead of them. "Yep, that's the one." He takes the mask off and it disappears in his hands again. "I knew we'd found it."

Hoseok got off of his bike and couldn't help but notice something. "Youngjae, start scanning. Boys, do you see what I see?"

Youngjae starts scanning. "Jungkook, the stories say that your appa protected the library by building it on a hungry bird named Rock. The problem is, no one was even sure it existed. I'm pretty sure it does and I think that mountain is it's nest."

"Then that's exactly where we have to go."

Taehyung grabs a hold of Jungkook's hand from around his waist. "We better split up. You guys start looking for the book, and we'll handle the bird."

Jaebum nods at the prince. "Got it. We're on it." All of the boys drive the bikes towards the bottom of the mountain.



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