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"You guys ready?" The pink haired boy asked them as he leaned on the door, grinning widely. He was super excited about this meeting, he just felt like some punching, killing, and torturing was about to happen.

They all nod and you started guiding them to the parking lot where dozens of luxurious cars were parked. All of the top members went into a shiny and fabulous car. One of the cars holds the leader and beside him was Bonten's #2 and #3, of course you were also there too because you were their secretary after all, but the leader needs you the most so you have to stick with him.

They do have their own secretary but, you were the most trusted and in the highest position of all the things that they prioritize considering that the other secretaries would only show up if they will go to other countries.

So in short, they all share the same secretary and sometimes fight about who gets the most attention and who gets the least. They all admit that they admired you, you were just incomparable to the other secretaries, you could get tons of works done in just one day, you knew all informations and files about something, you would cook for them even though they had a servant to do it, you would always care for them, and you would obey them anytime, that's why they needed you and they could never let you go.


Silence filled the whole room as you all sat down with a big rectangular glass table separating all the people. "So, about our deal.. Mikey, do you really want to do it?" The man with black rounded glasses starts as he sat facing your dear leader. "I do want to do it. But, Miko... I think that you're forgetting something. Hmm?" Mikey replied as he said miko's name in a menacing way.

"What are you talking about? Are you accusing me of lying for this deal?!" The short tempered man shouted defensively, afraid of what could happen to him. His heart was beating fast but he didn't know why, he didn't know that having a meeting with the leader of the most dangerous organization was nerve-wracking, he didn't expect the leader and the top members to be this intimidating.

He noticed your glare at him and he felt like he was going to sh!t and piss his own pants. "Please calm down Miko-sama, Mikey only asked you one simple question. And it's not very hard to answer it, right?" You said to him while a gentle and caring smile was plastered on to your angelic face. It was almost frightening to him how you were smiling at the tensed situation.

"You know exactly what you've done Miko. Sanzu, [name] go deal with him later. The meeting's over." Your leader stated as he stared blankly at Miko. "Yes Master." You replied while guiding him towards the exit or the meeting room. "Wai-wait! What about our d-deal?!" Miko nervously exclaimed while he quickly stood up to chase Mikey, only to be stopped by Ran and hold him up into the air by holding his collar.

"Want to die old man?" Ran smirked at him while he struggled into Ran's big hands. "P-p-please l-let me g-go" Miko pleaded desperately to the man in front of him. "Sanzu, take him and make sure you give him the best time of his life!" Sanzu smirked and nodded before taking Miko out of Ran's grip.

: heyy guyss! It's Christmas eve in here <3 but still, Merry Christmas to all of you. Make sure you drink water and eat lots of delicious food 😋 stay safe and have fun! ♡

 Make sure you drink water and eat lots of delicious food 😋  stay safe and have fun! ♡

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