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                        "You're everything I want, but
                      I can't deal with all your lovers.."

You panted heavily as some small, wet sweats rolled to the side of your face, you were bored as hell. So, you've decided to do some exercises, dancing is one of your most favorite hobbies and you like listening to k-pop sometimes, so you searched up some k-pop dance practice online for your workout routine.

'How the heck could they move like that?? ' you thought as you watched the group dance on the screen of your television. Today was your day off, and you were finally getting some break after a week of working your butt off.

To be quite honest, you didn't even liked your own job, you only decided to do it for your unpaid debts, food, your family's debts, house, lots of foods and for them.

They were so important to you that you could kill and die only for them.. you didn't even think that you could do the job in the first place, all the killings, torturing, punishing and betraying... it was too much for you to handle, but you had thought about what could possibly happen to them if you hadn't gotten the job. They could've died of starvation or get worse as they grow up. So in your desperation of saving them, you took the job and worked hard for them.

You sighed as you looked at the picture frame of them at the mini table beside you, the sight of their smiling faces crossed your mind and it gave you a happy feeling.

You turned off the television and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. 'Hmm, what could I possibly do today?' You thought as you undress yourself, and stopped at the mirror. "Damn, you look very sexy today cutie, call me at 6?" You let out a laugh at the own complement you just gave to your gorgeous self.

You lazily sat on the chair of the quiet and chilly corner at the convenience store, phone is on your right hand, and the other is placed to the side of your cheeks. You were currently waiting for your food to come and you scrolled through the screen of your phone as you do so.

As you scrolled through the app, you saw an article title stating "almost 80% of teenagers spends the whole day on their phones." You faked being shocked, 'tch tch, teenagers these days ugh, imagine not being able to let go of your phone- couldn't be me' you thought as you clicked your tongue, knowing very well that your screen time is more than 15 hours when you get to your phone.

"HI maam, here's your order!" The convenience store man said as he placed the tray of food down to your table, "thank you very much sir, have a great day" you replied as you bowed your head down to him, the man nodded and went back to his corner.

You stared lovingly at your food and before you could dig in, your ring tone blasted and you felt the vibrations of the phone on your hand, you looked at the caller's name in the screen and you sighed disappointingly as you pressed the green button.

"HI, chi-chi! What's up?" You said cheerily as you answered her phone call, "Hello, sis um- are you free today?" Ichigo replied, "Uh-yes actually, it's my break day today, do you need something?" You questioned her as you began to tear the plastic that was covering your meal. "I broke up with him." She said quickly with a nervous tone, you widened your eyes as you felt angry about what she had just said to you, "Okay, try to calm down for me okay? Drink water or eat anything.. I'll be there in an hour." You said trying not to sound like you wanted to murder anyone. "Okay, thank you so much" She said as she hanged up the phone.

You quickly ate your meal and you met the eyes of the people at the store who had their focus on you, they were amazed and scared at the same time, 'How can she eat that much and she ate that thing so fast! Wow!!' You furrowed your eyebrows as you cleaned your table and quickly ran out of the store.

You quickly ate your meal and you met the eyes of the people at the store who had their focus on you, they were amazed and scared at the same time, 'How can she eat that much and she ate that thing so fast! Wow!!' You furrowed your eyebrows as you...

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: I'll try to edit some of the first chapters 'cuz it's very cringe :( anyways, have a nice day!

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