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Sanzu begins to hum as he circles around the frightened man, Miko was scared for his life, why and how did they found out about it?! If he had known that certain person who ratted them out then he wouldn't even be in this situation and he could've been chilling with his girls right now.

While [name] on the other hand, was sitting beside him. God, she was trying so hard not to harm this man, she didn't know why but, he was pissing her off so much. She couldn't stand him, though her facial expression remained calm and she smiled at him in an eerie way.

"Miko darling, would you like to tell what you did?" Her voice was soft and peaceful, just like her.. but there was a hint of evilness with her tone when she questioned the man. She began to move towards him, making both of their bodies touch. Her hands went to his face and she strokes his rough cheeks, she then brings her hand down and places it on his stomach, having the man let out some sort of groan.

He was super nervous around her, and her touching his stomach doesn't help his nervous state. "Come on now Miko-sama, I promise I won't tell anyone." She whispered into his ear, trying desperately not to gag or make a disgusted expression. "Please tell me, I would do anything for you." She added as she goes to his neck, and he couldn't help but feel a little turned on with you breathing against his neck.

He sat still with closed eyes, and that's what made you more angry. So, you stood up and went to where sanzu was standing. "So we finally gonna start now?" Asked the Strawberry haired male as he placed both of his hand around your waist. You swatted his hands away and began to head towards the devices storage. "I guess, but I want to end early today. My head hurts so much, Master" he grinned at you and nodded his head. "Alright since your better at this job, I'll let you go first." He said as he rolled his eyes, he was slightly jealous of how fast you could get someone to reveal the truth, but if he was the one you're playing with, then he'll tell everything to you in a second, without hesitation.

You picked up a whip from the cabinet and stand in front of miko. "Miko-sama.. this is your punishment for today because you were being naughty. Next time, I want you to listen to me, okay? Listen to me like a good boy you are" You whispered closedly at the man while having an  intense eye contact with him.

After a two hours of cries and pleads from the man, he finally told you the truth, making you satisfied. "It's a good thing that you decided to tell the truth darling, [name] hates liers and having to hear the truth made me truly happy." You said at the man almost unconscious on the ground, you crouched down to him then kissed his forehead. "Rest well baby~♡" He slightly blushed at your action and closed his eyes, atleast he had a gorgeous lady kissed him before passing out.

: me interacting with my non-existent viewers:

: me interacting with my non-existent viewers:

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