11- OBEY ME.

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You stood still at the stage, with your body completely frozen and a wide smile on your face. A generous amount of wealthy people surrounding the room.

After a moment, you smoothly grabbed the microphone on the side of the stage and went to stand on the same position again.

"Hello Everyone! How are we all doing today? Okay, good I don't really care if you dont feel good or not let's just start this whatever.." You started by greeting them rather enthusiastically, before slurring on your words.

"So, I assume that someone from your own group has already told you or had given you a bit of details of what's really going to happen tonight. And here I am on the stage to explain and discuss more things to you all so you won't get confused, okay?" You explained to them as the people from the room gave you different reactions.

"Let's start... First thing, this night is going to be quite wild and chaotic. We are all going to play a game. It doesn't really matter if you don't want to play because we are going to choose on who's playing or joining the game. So you basically have no choice but to play so good luck!"

After your short announcement, quiet murmurs was heard from the crowd, they were either baffled or was excited by the idea of playing the game.

"Our first game starts at 9:30.. and it is now currently 8:15, I advice for everyone to get ready and prepare your body for our games! Make sure to have fun and stay living! Secretary [name] from Bonten Organization, good luck again everyone~" You exclaimed from the stage before leaving and going to one of the secret rooms.

A certain group that was sitting on the fancy and big table looked at your walking figure heading to the secret rooms, "so we're really going to playing a game tonight?" Ran questioned as he stared at the group.

"I for real thought that our beloved Secretary was on drugs when she said that.. I guess she's truly serious about the game tonight." Takeomi replied while some of them snickered.

Kakucho sipped on his glass of wine before asking, "What kind of games do you guys think we'll be playing later?" 

"I don't exactly have a clue, but I am certain that it isn't going to be just a fun little game.. once a game is introduced, there's gotta be a little twist to it." Kokonoi answered boredly while he softly strokes the tip of his wine glass with his pointer finger.

"I'm not exactly all set for this whole night, but.. having a little fun won't hurt me at all.. right Liza?" Sanzu exclaimed as he smirked and looked at the girl that was sitting on his lap.

The girl nodded her head obediently to him and grabbed his wine that was on the table, almost having a sip; which he grimaced at and forced her to get off him. "I don't share my drinks to anyone, so never do that again. Understood? You disgusting girl.." Sanzu said to the girl as he went to stand up and took the girl with him to somewhere.

Tomie eyed the two and made a disgusted expression. 'Aren't yall like embarrassed to talk infront of us? I mean I know I'm nothing to this group- just another girl from the bars but we don't want to see yall talking flirty to each other too loud. Like, stop it's so awkward especially when we're all staring right onto you two. Anyways.. we should never judge people because that's very bad and not a friendly thing to do-'  The girl thought as she still eyed almost all of the people on the room and continued her ranting about some random things.

Meanwhile, you stood tirelessly and leaned on the chair from the room, a sigh left your mouth before continuing, "Okay.. are these all of it? And don't get me wrong but- are you sure that you want to give them all of this? Are people really that desperate for it?"  You asked the man who was sitting in front of you, with his back turned.

He looked down at the glass of the building, seeing every part of the city. He slightly moved his head towards you, his shiny glasses coming into your line of vision. He fully turned from his chair to face you, before starting, "don't act like you still don't know me, [name]. You already know what kind of person I am, and I have already decided to give that all out. I would love too see them all go crazy over it."

You snickered at him and walked closely to his table. "I'm so tired of playing naive every time.. can't we end this role play already?" You asked playfully.
"Well if that what you want then do it. No one's asking you to play naive, but I'm sure your people appreciates it." He answered you and smiled gently.

"Okay, got it. Gonna go start this night, please don't hesitate to call when you need me. Enjoy this night Master Tetta." You added before leaving the room.

He smiled at your leaving figure and went to get his phone, he dialed a number and waited for him to answer. "Mr. Shuji, please escort Miss [surname] to office 73, there are more stuffs in there, and immediately go back to Room 50. Make sure to protect her, I'll be waiting in 706."

"Got it Sir."

: hmmm...

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