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             ------ "Yeah, my boyfriend's pretty cool
                            But he's NOT as cool as Me."

A sigh came out of your lips as you tirelessly stir the boiling soup from the pot, soups are very good, but why are they so frustrating to make? Specially if you want your soup to be in a thick substance.. anyways, you continued to stir and stir your soup until it was finally ready. You turned off the stove and went to get a bowl from one of the wooden cabinets.

You ate a spoonful of soup as you watched another drama that played on the television, the drama that was playing is very interesting and it's quite relaxing for you to just hang around like this. But, you had one thing that just crossed your mind all week- and that was your decision.

Decision of what, exactly? Your decision of resigning being the Secretary of bonten. You didn't even know how'd you think of that decision, yet that thought had been cleared to you when you realized that you have no more reason for continuing being the Secretary of the biggest criminal organization.

There were only a few reasons of why you became the Organization's Secretary at the first place, and now all of them was fixed. There are no more to fix In your life anymore, it was solved already.. although, you still felt a little guilty because your life's been fixed only because of Bonten, they helped you become who you are, despite that- you helped them too and you gave your best to them, however their help to you had more good result than what you did to helped them.

You were still contemplating on whether should you resign or not. There was no forbidden rule that you couldn't resign, and you were only doing your job and get paid, right? You were just a normal co-worker, like an employee working for a company, so it doesn't matter if you'd resign....

You shrugged it off and went to get dressed instead. There is so much to understand and to think of right now and you just wanted a break from it. After getting dressed, you applied a little makeup on your face, Rindou texted you yesterday that the meeting was a very important one, he told you that other gangs and dangerous groups from all over the world would be there too, so you promised yourself that you'd prepare nicely today.

It was exactly 3:40 P.M. when you finished getting ready; the meeting or I guess you could also say, party is going to start at 6 P.M. you don't mind coming to the headquarters that early.. it actually gives you extra time to check up on them.

                               Boss, Sanzu, +6 more

                                                        Hey guys! I'm on my way
                                                    There right now. Btw, good
                                                                                  afternoon ♡

Hey [name] good afternoon
to you too ☺

we have to RAN
Heyy [namee] 😍🤤😘🤩

Ka-ku roach
Hello, [name]. Good Afternoon <3

Wanna try some of my candy?

Koko 💸
Sanzu shut the hell up
My notifications are blowing up
And Mikey was the one who ate the cake.

Mikey (the boss)
Do we have a problem here?
Good afternoon, [name].


Wanna try some of my candy?
Hi Mikey... we were just talking
About who [name] likes more haha..
And I won hehe
Read 4:01 P.M.

: I promise I'll edit the first few chapters because I don't want yall to suffer from cringe lmao 😭

: I promise I'll edit the first few chapters because I don't want yall to suffer from cringe lmao 😭

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I miss Mr. Shuji Hanma :((

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