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--- "Baby, you're the baddest girl
And uh- nobody else matters."

The black haired girl stirred in her place as she tried to open her eyes slightly, the moment her vision was cleared, she saw you directly staring into her eyes and you seem to averted your gaze down to her lips, in result, she immediately began to get flustered simply at your stare. You cleared your throat and announced to her that the drive lasts about 15 minutes until you all finally reach your destination. She understood and before she could prepare herself, she noticed that your arms was resting on to her side of the shoulder.. why did she only noticed it now?!

She felt her body heat up because your arms was literally wrapped around her body, it's like, you were trying to protect her from anyone.. and she find your hold against her really comforting... however, as much as she would love for this moment to last, you gently removed your hold against her and went to get your handkerchief.

"You're sweating sweetheart, are you okay? It's fine if you don't like to tell but- you're very hot and I'm afraid I can't let you go to the meeting or whatever they would like to call it- because it's very risky for you to go to something like that place while you're not feeling better!" You exclaimed anxiously at her, trying to stay calm as possible. If there's one thing that you would not like to hear right now, it's the sweet girl infront of you being hospitalized or just being unconscious while you all go to the meeting.

"I- I am fine miss [name]! Please do not worry about me! I just had a pretty good?- I meant a very baddd.. dreamm.. and I was just shock because I realized we were still in the car.. sorry for worrying you! I promise I am fine!" She responded as you sighed calmly, you were worried as heck for this girl- she needed to be protected all the time, therefore.. you had swear to yourself that you would always be there for her and will never betray her.

"That's what I would like to hear! Thank God you aren't hurt or sick.. or else I would have had to carry you back myself to the house for a treatment.. anyways, you'd better get ready now. We only have a few minutes left until we arrived. Okay let's go!!" You shouted excitingly with your hands forming a very big "Okay!" Sign.

"Eh.. [name].. why are you so excited for? Aren't we going to a meeting??" You heard the raspy voice of the man through the phone; "Sanzu, you do realized that we weren't ordered to wear formal attires right?? Plus, the place were going to is one of the most richest places to ever exists! That means there's only a 1 percent of the meeting and the whole number goes to the partying." You explained to the man as you helped tomie with applying her lipstick. "Also, how long have you been talking to Takeomi? I didn't heard you guys talk earlier."

"Then why call it a meeting then if the "meeting" isn't even a meeting?! That makes no sense at all!!" The male exclaimed through the phone, making you angry beacause of his tone; "why did you decide to ask me? I only answer important and valid questions that comes from normal people, please refrain yourself from asking me stupid and nonsense questions. Thank you!." You sweetly responded at him, making the three people at the car slightly laugh.

"Oi Sanzu, how you guys doing in there? You sound very irritated, did Rindou cyber bullied you again?" Kakucho ironically asked, you all heard the other members laugh and the irritated man fumes with more anger; Before he could curse Kakucho in different languages, Takeomi took the phone from Kakucho's hand very quickly and ended the call. You decided to check your phone for updates and laughed at what Koko sent at the group chat.

It was a picture of a funny looking game avatar with a caption saying "#saynotocyberbullying, if you're being cyber-bullied, please don't be afraid to log off and just ignore them #society #sanzufeels #bewhoyouare" you showed it to Takeomi, Kaku and Tomie. They all busted out a laugh and suddenly, Takeomi's phone rang again, He answered it and he couldn't wait until his dramatic brother finally stops talking. "That. Was. Not. Funny. I. Didn't. Even. Laughed. At. It. So. You. People. Should. Never. Laugh. At. It. Too." The male said through his gritted teeth and immediately ended the call..

You all laughed again at what he said because he's a little too over dramatic, if that's what you could call that creature, anyways.. you guys had finally arrived at the place and Kakucho got out first to unlock your doors from outside, you and tomie got out and they decided to follow you around too, you noticed that the other's cars aren't here yet. 'They probably have crashed and is now dead, but who cares? They for sure can handle hell haha.' You thought as you waited for Takeomi to park somewhere, and as if on cue, two cars parked in front of you three.

You made a "hi" gesture to them and winked at the tinted windows even though you couldn't properly see their faces, it was the cars that was good enough proof for you to recognize that it is them. One side of the window rolled out on both cars, there you saw Rindou and Sanzu's face staring at you three. "Where's grandpa daddy at?" Sanzu smirked as he questioned you ironically. "He's parking the car! So be patient please!" You replied to him while you three waited for them all to get out of the fancy cars.

When they all finally got out of their cars, you led them on the bar side of the building, "You guys wait here okay? I'm gonna wait for him outside, so be patient. You can go order whatever you'd like but, just relax for quite some time because the owner will throw a very big feast later." You muttered at them while smiling gently, "also, Tomie here is my phone number, please call me if whenever they are troubling you. I'm gonna come right away, okay?" You added before leaving the area.

Sanzu and Ran stared at the paper from the girl's hand, they were in disbelief... how could this girl have your number when you've only just met her like yesterday- when they have been trying all their best for the past two years just to get your phone number; Tomie smirked at victory and placed the paper on her pockets before leaving somewhere, the two males glared at her figure while Rindou and Kokonoi just sat there- watching them fight like a cat after glaring at each other for too long.

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