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                  -----"number 05.... you shall fight 040."

The cold and chilly air outside the giant building made you shiver in cold. You were waiting for the most important Male for the night to arrive, Takeomi had just gotten inside the building and you guessed that he is now with the other top Members of the group. You have been standing on the same position for almost 30 minutes now, but it didn't bothered you or something.. however, your legs and neck are almost about to give up and you told yourself that after this so called "meeting" you'll go and get a message from a spa somewhere.

You knew that this night is about to be really wild.. and it's not gonna be just a almost normal night were you all would go for killings and torture or having sex with whoever is at the bar. Something about the owner's message to you made you a little bit suspicious about his supposed attitude, you already get what kind of person he is just by his style of typing.. so, to avoid drama and big girl fights, you decided to just prepare earlier because you never know what he's planning tonight. 

There is some possible right answer on your thoughts about his plans but, you lacked of clues and interaction from someone who knew or works for him. You preferred to be ready instead of just going to have fun, you couldn't risk losing even one of the Members of the Organization.. after about 15 minutes, a black and shiny car with tinted windows pulled up in front of you, you smiled and greeted them by waving your hands and you knocked at the backseat window.

"Hello and Good evening Master. They are already inside, would you like to come with me now?" You asked him when he opened the tinted windows. He unlocked the doors and you quickly offered your hands to him, he took your hands and you guided him inside the building. When you two got to the bar side, you found a separate table for him and made him sit in there, you were about to go somewhere when stopped you by holding your hands again, "you'll come back right?" He asked while he looked directly into your eyes.

"Of course Master, I'm just going to get them. Don't worry, I'll be fast." You replied genuinely and let go of his hands gently while you go to the other tables to find them. Mikey stared at you while you go to the other tables and he didn't even noticed that there was already a girl sitting beside him. "Was that your sister?? Oh my God she's so pretty, although you two don't look very much alike." The girl beside him suddenly said, shocking him. He eyed the girl and he thought that it was probably one of the big man's daughter. He didn't liked her that much, her attitude immediately annoyed him and he was slightly offended when she had called you his "sister".

"No she's not my sister, but she's very important to me. Could you please leave me alone?" He replied as he gives her a dirty look. "Then what is she to you?? Don't tell me that's your girlfriend, God you could do so much better." She whines and flashes him a 'cute' pout after her ranting. He restrained himself from making a disgusted expression or hitting the annoying woman in front of him. He remained stoic and gave her a very cold glare instead.

She suddenly backed down and stared at something else, she couldn't handle his hard glare towards her.. Mikey heard footsteps to the side and saw you with them. "You guys go and have a seat, I'm just gonna head upstairs for a short discussion. Alright? Dont be shy to call me when you need me. I'll be back shortly, please excuse me." You informed to them as you made your way upstairs.. being a secretary for them can be so hard sometimes.

Ran looked back at your figure before disappearing into the crowd, he sighed as he imagined what it's like to be the Secretary, it must be really hard for you to work almost every day. He realized that almost all of them had picked their own seats, when he noticed that there was a new girl sitting besides Mikey. "Who's that Mikey? Finally got yourself a girlfriend?" Ran teased as he smirked at him.

"She's nothing but a prostitute, I actually would like if she'd go away. Please take her." Mikey requested as he slowly got more irritated by the annoying girl who couldn't shut her mouth besides him. "Nah thanks, I have plenty of girls back in our own bar, it looks like our girls are better than theirs." Ran replied while he took a seat beside Rindou.

Sanzu smirked and went to her instantly, he offered his hands and she took it easily. "Wanna have some fun with me baby?" He asked as the girl nodded her head several times. They both headed to the somewhere else as the Others watched them disappear. "Bet he's going back later to complain about something again." Rindou honestly said while he lit up his cigarette from his hands.

"I know right, he'd come back later and complain about some of the most random things like "man, she wasn't even that good at it.." or some things like "what the actual fuck, guys you shouldn't order that drink over there! It gave me a bitter taste bud and now everything I taste is bitter!!" Kokonoi mocked Sanzu as he remembered how the man would randomly complain when he's on drugs.

They all snickered at him and got separated one minute after, except for Mochi, Mikey and Kokonoi. Mikey was waiting for you to finish the discussion with the head officers, while Kokonoi is just chilling in the corner with some ladies and Mochi just sat there, drinking something every second.

On the luxurious room you were in.. several expensive looking people was in there too, to be honest, you really thought that this would be a discussion upon drugs or something like that but.. the difference is that this so called "discussion" was nothing like that! It was like a doctor check up or something! They would often ask you something like "how's your bar? Is [that one member] doing well? hahaha" or something like "how are you doing these days?? I haven't seen you in such a long time! I missed you!!"

You were completely just terrified and I guess you can say, relieved at the same time. Though, you all had a one very serious topic that you all talked about, and that is the games that the place would have in midnight. The moment you heard this, you immediately agreed that you would join and you also agreed that your Team would join too. The truth is, they asked for permission or consent first before actually setting the plan of the game. You were so excited for it and you couldn't wait! You loved playing games and this time, it's actually a game that is very safe to play and it's very family friendly!

Though other Groups couldn't join because of some problems, there were plenty of other Groups that decided to join in too! After the discussion, you finally went down again to check up on them. When you got to the bar side, you saw Mikey, Kokonoi, Kakucho, and Mochi in the table. "Hey guys! Where are the others? I need to say something to all of you." You said to them as you took a seat beside Mikey.

"How did the meeting go? Did we receive some death threats?" Mikey asked while he secretly admired your face. "Oh, we didn't get threats luckily but, I'm gonna have to explain it all to you later." You replied to him as you began to search for the others. They eyed you suspiciously before making theories on their heads.

: very long chapter lol... I'm thinking of uploading 3 chapters today cuz it's almost 2022!! Early Happy New Year to all of you! 💓

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