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                               ------- "she's a killer,
                        And She took my breath away."

You arrived at the Bonten's headquarters at exactly
4:30 P.M. you parked your luxurious car outside and you decided to take a walk trough the garden just for a while, you had a simple- but fancy dress on that went down just right above your knees, and you had on some deluxe jewelry that shines on your beautiful skin.

You were walking throughout the garden, until you saw a lost ring sitting on the ground, you picked it up and stared at it. Suddenly, you heard faint footsteps near you and you turned your back to see who it was, you saw a woman and you widened your eyes when you realized who she is- 'she was that beautiful woman I saw at Mikey's room!' You thought as you recognized her face when you saw her.

"Hello, miss [name]? [Name] right?" She asked you with a charming and warm smile on her face. "Uh- ye-yes it's [name], can I help you maam?" You answered her as you slightly stuttered, you were stunned by her beauty, she was dropped dead gorgeous- like just wow. "U-uhm, I have lost my ring, and I don't know where is it- did you perhaps have found it or seen it? It was very special to me." She said to you with a embarrassed expression, she didn't know that their secretary was that beautiful and your style just screams that you were a very cool person.

She somehow felt like she needed to be friends with you, she admired and respected you even when it was literally first time the two of you had met. "Oh, I actually found a ring here- just sitting on the ground, is this the right ring?" You asked her, showing the ring on your hands to her. "Oh my God, yes! That was the ring I was looking for! Thank you!" She exclaimed with a bright smile, happy to see her beloved ring again. "It's no big deal madam, shall I put it on you?" You questioned and she nodded her head. You slowly walked towards her and took her boney and soft hands to yours, gently inserting the ring on her middle finger.

She blushed madly at your actions, feeling her heart beat faster and faster. "T-thank you, mi-miss [name]. I really appreciated it." She thanked you while bowing her head to you, You waved her off and just smiled at her.

"Ladies, we gotta go now! Or we're gonna be late late!!" The man with a scar on the left side of his face shouted while he waved his hands at you two. You nod at her, gesturing for you two to go, but you stopped as you went to ask her name. "By the way, what's your name Madam?"

"Its Tomie. Its very nice to meet you, miss [name]." She answered you with a gentle and kind smile. You returned her smile and she connected your arms with you, which you blushed at and glance at her. She avoided your gaze and you two just walked towards the cars, preparing to leave.

: new character reveal 😳 do you think this "Tomie" girl would make your boyfriends go crazy and just disappear out of nowhere like the other one?! Nah just kidding, this "Tomie" is nice, caring and a NORMAL one, so don't be too nervous specially for anyone who have read junji ito's Tomie.

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