Ch3 Taking a break from Idol life

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Previously:- wore my mask and made my way to the dorm even though I didn't want to. I smiled to myself, finally being a little relieved after realising someone believes me. She really made my day.


I entered my house, being as quiet as possible. I tip toed towards my room.

"Where were you this late at night young lady?".

" fudge". I cursed under my breath. I slowly turned around to see my older brother, Han Sujoon.

"Hi. Have I ever told you that you're very good looking? If not then lemme tell you, you're very good looking. Its was good talking to you, Goodnight!"

I walked to my room in a fast pace and was about to open the door.

"HAN Y/N!! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!". I hear him shout from the living room.

That is when I knew that I fucked up.


" I asked you something. Where were you this late?". Sujoon oppa/hyung kept asking me while I just looked down at my shoes.

I wasn't allowed to be out if the house after 10pm. 

"If you answer me in the count of 3 I'll buy you mint chocolate ice cream". He said with a smirk on his face, knowing danm well that I can't say no to mint chocolate ice cream.

" one............two.......thr-"

"I was out to refresh my mind and had a long walk around Seoul!!". I said in one breath.

"Now you have to buy me mint chocolate ice cream tomorrow. And I won't take no as an answer". I said as I made my way to my room.

" aish this girl. Shell do anything for mint chocolate ice cream. Why does she even like that?? It taste like toothpaste".

"Hey I heard that!!". I shouted from my bedroom, earning a soft chuckle from Sujoon oppa/hyung.

Yeonjun POV

I entered the dorm to be welcomed with dead silence. I sighed as I made my way to my room. I took off my coat and hanged it on the hanger.

I felt this empty feeling in my heart. I felt numb. I took my phone and dialed a number. The phone rang for a minute or so until the person picked up.

"Why are you calling me at the middle of the night yeonjun?"

"PD-Nim, I was wondering if I can maybe get a little break from the idol life temporarily?"

"Let's talk about this tomorrow at the building."

He said as he hanged up. Guess he also fell for the lies. 


I knocked on the main door to earn a 'come in'. I opened the door, feeling anxious.

I looked at PD-Nim. 

"Oh yeonjun. About you taking a break from the idol life for a while, I can give you a 1 month break or so. But TXT will be having a comeback after a few months so the sooner the break ends, the sooner we can start on the album. Anything you want to say?"

I stayed quite for a while. I didn't really think one month will be enough for me get back up on my feet. But I think it was better then nothing.

"Thank you. I'll take the 1 month break and return." I gave PD-Nim a forced smile as I dismissed myself.

I sighed as I got out of the building, making my way towards the dorm. I can see posters about giving justice to the girl whom I apparently 'harassed'. 

The funny thing is that I wasn't able to feel anything anymore. I was numb. I just smiled bitterly.

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