ch20 medicine

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Yeonjuns eyes fluttered open only to get attacked by the beaming sunlight reflecting from the glass windows.

As soon as he properly opened his eyes, his heartbeat fastened and his breathing got uneven.

Those long eyelashes, plump, rosy lips and cute cheeks. They never fail to make him weak in his knees.

His eyes glimmered with admiration as he looked at his wife who was sleeping on his arms. Her face is only inches away from his. Her hand rested on his torso, giving him butterflies.

A small strand of hair prevented him from admiring her beauty to the fullest. He softly pushed that strand away from her face. He cupped her sleeping face as his thumb lightly stroked her cheeks.

Who would've known that he would fall this hard for a girl. He met her just a month ago, nevertheless she was able to capture his heart at first glance.

Just a month ago, he was standing on the bridge, trying to end his life. But this girl came and saved him. She was his saviour. And now because of her, he wants to live everyday. She became his reason to live.

Pushing his thoughts aside, Yeonjun pulled y/ns figure closer to his as he held her tight in the warmth of his embrace.

Soon enough, he fell asleep while holding the person he loves the most in his arms.

Y/n suddenly woke up in shock. She saw a nightmare but she wasn't able to recall what happened in it. Her heart was filled with fear. But it didn't take much time for her heart to calm down.

That is when a strong scent of male perfume hit her nose. She realised that a pair of strong arms were securely wrapped around her. Her heart that was filled with fear just seconds ago was replaced with a feeling of comfort. The warmth that radiated off from her husband's body was enough to bring peace to her heart that was in chaos.

She took this golden opportunity she had to take a good look at her husband.

Yeonjuns face which is normally filled with worries looked at peace. It's as if all his worries have disappeared into thin air. He was more good looking up close if that is possible. His dark locks were all over the place.

His lips were formed into a small pout. Y/ns eyes fixated on his lips as memories from yesterday flooded her mind. How his soft lips moved against hers. How everything around they both disappeared as time stopped for the moment.

Y/ns cheeks flushed a bright pink as a shy smile played on her rosy lips. She closed her eyes and took some deep breath in order to calm her rapid heartbeat.

Y/n slowly and carefully unwrapped the pair of arms around her figure, trying her best to not wake up her husband. She got up from the bed, trying her best to not make a single noise. She let out a sigh of relief as she succeeded in her mission.The young female tiptoed her way towards the bathroom.

Yeonjun opened his eyes and got up, trying to catch his breath. His heartbeated rapidly as his breathing got uneven. It felt as if someone tied a rope around his neck tightly as he gasped for air. His eyes teared up. His shaky hands made their way to his dark locks, lightly grabbing it. He looked around the room to see if anyone was there to witness the pathetic state he was in.

He felt relieved to know no one witnessed it, but deep down he wished someone was there to tightly embrace him and tell him everything is going to be okay.

He buried his face in his hands as his body curled up into a ball. Tears streamed down his eyes.

His whole body was cold and he felt cold shivers throughout his whole entire body. His body was shaking.

Thousands of thoughts started running through his mind. None of them were positive. Beads of sweat started to roll down his forehead and he tried to get a grip on himself. But his mind was in chaos. He couldn't think straight.

His chest ached. It felt as if his heart is going to burst out any second. It all was too much for him to handle.

Yeonjun got up from the bed and paced around the room. He wanted it to stop.

He went through the drawers of the side table. His eyes searching for something that would bring relief. Something he can use to take away the pain.

His eyes caught a glimpse of his depression medicins. That just what he needed. Without a second though he poured the tablets onto his hand before gulping it all down with some water.

His head started to ache. He couldn't stand straight. He sat down on the side. Dark spots started to blur his vision. His heart started pounding in a fast pace.

Soon enough, he blacked out.

𝓘𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓭𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓷𝔂?? || Yeonjun FFWhere stories live. Discover now