Chapter 4: Silena

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Silena lowered her knife. The voice sounded very much human.

Rose inched forward, and the girl(The voice was definitely feminine) shrieked again.

"Jeez, lady, I'm not going to set you on fire," Rose complained.

The shrieking stopped. Silena wished she could see what was going on.

In front of her, Zoe asked "Who are you?"

Oh gods. Zoe.

Of course, Zoe was the same as ever in personality. Bossy, sure. A genius. Ok. Makes sense. She was a daughter of Annabeth Chase and had gotten A ++ in all her classes as long as Silena had known her(Which was their whole lives) But then the way she made that wave---gods. Silena did not expect that.

Silena was good at sensing others feelings. It comes with being a legacy of Aphrodite. And Silena knew Zoe felt uncomfortable with her own powers.

Honestly, Silena could relate. Sometimes, her wind powers scared her. Like that time in kindergarten when a boy mocked her for being half Chereoke. Before she knew it, he was screaming, holding on to a rather thick but low tree branch above them. Silena was horrified when she found out it was her. She knew she would never do something like that on purpose. Well, unless it was Asher Stoll. More on that later.

At least she could control her charmspeak better. Usually. She never meant to charmspeak Rose earlier that day—---it just slipped out of her.

Silena was completely lost in her train of thought that the newcomer's voice snapped her back.

"I---I'm Laura Underwood,' the girl said timidly. "And please, can you take your hand away from me? I don't like fire,"

Finally, Silena got a look at the girl. Her eyes were tinted leaf green, and so was her whole face and skin. She had soft brown hair that fell on her shoulders, and long, elvish ears. Silena realized she must be a dryad, a nature spirit. Until she saw the horns and hooves.

"L-Laura!" Zoe gasped, as Silena and the other girls gaped at the small horns pokin out of the girl's hair. "What are you doing here?"

Silena looked from Zoe to Laura, realizing they knew each other. Laura Underwood.

Where had she heard the name 'Underwood' Before?

Then it clicked. "Grover underwood!" Silena blurted out. "You--you're----"

"The daughter of Grover and juniper," Laura sniffed, edging farther away from Rose's flaming fingers. "Is it that obvious?"

"Uhhh---" Rose frowned. "Well---yeah. Are you a satyr or a nymph?" She added abruptly.

Laura huffed indignantly. "What kind of question is that!? I'm both!"

"Yep. definitely. I always see dryad-satyrs at the Mall all the time," Rose muttered.

"Laura, why are you here?" Zoe asked, after shooting a glare at Rose. That glare found Rose very often.

Laura threw her arms around Zoe. "I missed you! You never keep in touch! Oh, and the whole camp is searching for you guys. Everyone is worried. They sent me here because I know this forest well. Well, this part of it," Laura turned to Bianca. She wrinkled her nose slightly. "Uhh--and your dads aren't very happy that you snuck off either----"

Silena winced as she realized that Bianca was right next to her. As much as the other girls had changed during the last six years, Bianca wasn't.

Bianca turned paler than she already was, if that was possible. "Oh no. I'm doomed,"

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