Chapter 7: Marie

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They all spun around to face the entrance of the cave. Zoe let out a muffled cry and Laura screamed. A large beast stood there, with the head of a bull, it's body of an extremely bulky man, it's teeth bared evilly, it's eyes fixed on the seven of them.

"How—-?" Cora croaked, looking stunned. "Monsters are not supposed to—but– The Minotuar, I thought—--"

"Cora, MOVE!" Marie yelled suddenly, snapping out of a shocked trance. The minotaur's tail had swiped toward Cora, and Marie, who knew what that felt like, shot an arrow at it's eye.

Cora ducked, and lifted her sword, her eyes fixed on the beast. Marie continued to shoot arrows at it while Cora tried to get close without being turned into Cora pudding.

"Guys, help!" Marie called, as Cora narrowly dodged another hit.

The other girls unfroze, still rather sluggish. Rose threw her hammer at the Minotaur and swallowed when it bounced off it's steel-like skin. Silena tried using the winds to distract it with no luck. Zoe backed out into a corner, looking too terrified to try anything, but at the same time, determined. Marie hoped she was working on a plan.

Bianca, however, caught Marie by utter surprise.

The legacy of Hades stepped forward and spread out her hands. Immediately, after a rumbling sound like a mini-earthquake, four skeletons clawed their way out of the ground. Marie stared at Bianca, who was now swaying, looking exhausted.

"Oh no," Marie quickly rushed over and caught her before she crumbled onto the ground. Now they were down one fighter.

The others were now staring at the skeletons then to Bianca, looking horrified.

Laura saved them.

While they were all distracted, the daughter of Grover Underwood pulled out her pipes and played a tune. Thick weeds erupted from the ground like the skeletons had, and wrapped around the Minotuar. The monster roared in rage, trying to shake the weeds off. He was, indeed, successful, though more weeds took the place of the ones he ripped apart.

Marie, shaking her head and laying her cousin down, picked up her bow and mocked an arrow. Marie's love for archery came, of course, from her father. She'd been practicing since she was four. Marie found swords far too bulky, too heavy and long.

Laura groaned, and dropped her pipes. The Minotuar shook itself free with another ear-shattering roar, and Marie let her arrow fly.

It hit the beast's throat exactly. With a cry of anger, the Minotuar pulled the arrow out of its throat. Silena sent another gust of wind its way, this time more successful. Rose was dancing around it now, throwing working tools and (For some reason) cooking supplies including a few glass jars of Salsa at it. Marie suppressed a sudden urge to laugh.

Zoe stepped forward, her face pale. Water from the small stone sink and from the bathrooms seeped forward toward the Minotuar on the ground, it's force so powerful that Marie had to hold on to the wall to keep her balance. Cora finally got a clear shot, and slashed the monster with her long sword.

The Minotuar's roars of agony and rage echoed loudly across the cave. Marie suddenly felt elated as she continued to fire golden arrows. They were actually winning!

But she'd learned long ago to not think like that.

Laura let out another piercing shriek and fell backwards. With shock, Marie realized that she'd turned into a tree. Was that even possible?

But it wasn't the most pressing issue. Laura's reason soon became clear. Rose had been thrown against the wall, her hands still flaming. The cave was on fire.

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